OK, so it’s been a while since I posted but I wanted to ask for any helpful ideas or advice from people that have been through this -
Backstory - last Tuesday night I was doing a chest/back workout split when I was unracking someone else BB to get at a 45 lb plate… in my rush to get it I forgot the smaller 25 lb plate in front of it. The plate went straight down & landed on my left foot. My foot went cold & I tried to go back to my workout but the pain started to creep up & I thought to myself “F*** this, I must have really screwed myself up” & got a ride to the emergency room.
7 hours & some x-rays later the diagnosis was a broken big toe & the two beside had two breaks - the doctor taped it up buddy style & sent me home saying that toes cannot be casted… 6 week minimum rehab time.
So, my question is, where do I go from here? I’m already doing the RICE treatment (rest, ice, compression & elevation) but any of you guys have any more treatment/rehab advice? Anything positive or personal experience would be appreciated.
And to the other posters replying - yes, I was very stupid to do this but I am trying to get past it now.