@dagill2 My goals are to build as much mass and strength possible.
@craze9 That is a nice routine, but I want to hit my muscles more then once a week.I think it would give me better results.
@Angus1Youare right, I think its doing 6 heavy days in a row that burnt me out. I think of doing PPL rest 1 days, PPL, rest 1 day,and etc. It still can be 6 days a week but it will not be as demanding. To be honest, It felt lot more natural doing chest,delt and tris andso on. I try to keep my workouts to 50 min - an hour. This is the routine I have in mind, what do you think?
Push day 1 : 5 x BB bench Press - 3 x DB Pullover - 5 x Lateral raises- 3 x Rear Delt Flyes - 5 x Rope Pulldowns
Pull Day 1 : 5 x One arm Rows, 3 x Vbar cable rows, 3 x Pull ups to failure, 5 x Ez bar curl, 5 x Shrugs.
Leg Day 1: Narrow stance Leg Press x 5, Leg Extensions x 5, Legcurls x 5, One foot calf raises x 3, hyperextensions x 3, Leg raises x 3
Push day 2 : 5 x Db Overhead Press, 3 x Heavy Lateral Raises, 3 x Rear delt flyes or Facepulls,3 x Db incline BP, 3 x Flyes, 5 x overhead Tri Extensions
Pull day 2 : One arm rows x5, wide grip cable row x 3, Vbar pulldown x 3, 5 x Hammer curls, 5 x Shrugs
Leg day 2 : Same as day one
Alot of lat and reardelt raises,because those areas are lagging and I want tobring up my width, which is there is alot of side delt raises. No squats, becauseI tried for a month todo them, differentform, low bar and high bar, front and back, and I keep feeling it in my spine and low back no matter what, or a few times inmy glutes, which I dont want to work that much.My main focus is quads and hams.
For deadlift I would love to do them, but I have posture and low back discomfort. If somebody experienced could help me out,fine, but there is no such possibility atm.
@yogi 13 kgs, which is 28 lbs. Im not going to sitand argue how much from it was muscle, but I was pretty weak and underweight at 70 kg for 1 m90.