Hello everyone. This is my first post here at T-Nation, I’m excited to be here. I’ve been following Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program for about 5 weeks now, and I wanted to share my results with you to get any feedback possible. But before that, I want to give you a quick background …
I am a 27 year old ectomorph, 150 lbs, about 16% bodyfat. Never really weight trained until after college, but even then, I would lift for a couple months and then find an excuse to stop for a couple months. So in other words, I consider myself still a beginner.
I have a home gym in my basement, and for 2008, I’ve decided to take this seriously, and for the last 5 weeks or so, I have been successful. I’ve done quite a bit of research (mostly here at T-Nation), read some books (Scrawny 2 Brawny was one of my favorites) and as mentioned before, started the Rippetoe program. My short term goal is to reach 160 lbs, then from there I’d like to focus on reducing my BF to at least 10%.
In the 5 weeks I’ve been lifting, I’ve gained 7 lbs (BF increased 0.5% … I’ve been measuring it using a Tanita scale, weighing myself every week as soon as I wake up in the morning)
. I’ve also changed my diet according to some principles I picked up from S2B (eating 6 meals a day now, increased my calorie intake, and trying to keep my C/P/F ratio to 50/30/20). Right now, I only supplement with Multivitamins, Fish Oil, Whey Protein and Cytogainer (I’m using Cytogainer as my PWO, but as soon as I finish this container, I’m switching to Surge)
Ok, so here’s my progress over the last 5 weeks:
Week 1, Day 1
Squat 5/5/5 - 135 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/5 - 100 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 100 lbs
Week 1, Day 2
Squat 5/5/5 - 145 lbs
Military Press 5/5/5 - 75 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 75 lbs
Week 1, Day 3
Squat 5/5/5 - 150 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/3 - 105 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 115 lbs
Week 2, Day 4
Squat 5/5/5 - 155 lbs
Military Press 5/5/3 - 80 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 80 lbs
Week 2, Day 5
Squat 5/5/5 - 160 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/5 - 105 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 130 lbs
Week 2, Day 6
Squat 5/5/5 - 165 lbs
Military Press 5/5/5 - 80 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 85 lbs
Week 3, Day 7
Squat 5/5/5 - 170 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/5 - 110 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 140 lbs
Week 3, Day 8
Squat 5/5/5 - 175 lbs
Military Press 5/5/5 - 85 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 90 lbs
Week 3, Day 9
Squat 5/5/5 - 180 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/5 - 115 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 155 lbs
Week 4, Day 10
Squat 5/5/5 - 185 lbs
Military Press 4/3/1 - 90 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 95 lbs
I had a feeling that with my squat I was losing form, so I decided to drop some weight next time and I had my wife take pictures of me while I squat. Also, the military press was very difficult for me and I started arching my back too much, so I also reset for next workout.
Week 4, Day 11
Squat 5/5/5 - 165 lbs
Bench Press 5/3/1 - 120 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 165 lbs
Week 4, Day 12
Squat 5/5/5 - 170 lbs
Military Press 5/5/5 - 80 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 100 lbs
After I studied the pictures my wife took of me doing the squat, I realized that I was hardly going parallel!! So this whole time, I was probably only doing a quarter squat. I wanted to try and get ATG, so I decided to go back to 135 for next workout and focus on my form.
Week 5, Day 13
Squat 5/5/5 - 135 lbs
Bench Press 5/5/5 - 100 lbs
Deadlift 5 - 155 lbs
A couple notes here. First, I worked very hard to get my form correct with the squat, and I think I’m doing better. After more pics, I’m definitely getting at least parallel, if not lower. But I also noticed in some pics that my knees may be extending a bit past my toes, and I thought I’ve read that that’s a no-no. With the Bench Press, I tried continuing at 120, but then I realized that I was cheating with form, I wasn’t lowering the bar all the way to the chest, so I deloaded to 100 and worked on form, went very well.
I tried going to 170 lbs with deadlift, but could not lift off floor without rounding back, so dropped to 155. This workout may have been one of the more intense, because I finally focused on correct form for all exercises, especially squat.
Week 5, Day 14
Squat 5/5/4 - 140 lbs
Military Press 5/5/4 - 85 lbs
Pendlay Row 5/5/5 - 95 lbs
After this workout, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I MUST buy a power rack. Otherwise I’m going to risk really fucking myself up during the squats. On my last rep with the squat, I could not lift myself up and I started wobbling, and then I ended up leaning forward a bit and stood back up, I’m guessing this is very dangerous, and I think the power rack may help me here. Also, I dropped the weight a bit with the Row because I started rounding my back to lift (again, my form started suffering).
With every workout, I add weighted decline situps @ 3 sets, 15 reps. If I’m able to get all sets and reps at a given weight, then I increase 2.5 lbs for next workout. I’m currently at 10 lbs added weight.
Please comment away, I’m looking for any and all feedback, whether I’m doing something wrong, or my progress appears normal, anything. I’m here to learn, to work my ass off, and to grow!!