Always had strength as my main focus. For the first few cycles Im gonna focus on some aesthetic stuff Ive never worked on such as calves, biceps, lats, side delts, and upper pecs. Im gonna start a week from now after the holidays are over. Thats all for now
My deadlift weakness has always been off the floor. So Ive always done all my reps from a dead start. I wanna start doing touch n go cause I can lift sooo much more that way. Hopefully that doesnt fuck up my weakness off the floor even more.
Bench supersetted with pull ups
230x6 A little weak for me. Wanted 10
Incline DB
Single Arm Lat Pulldown
4x10 ramping up
Cable Lateral Raise
Miniscule Weightx4x10
Calf Raises
Two of the most attractive girls in my grade were talking to me today saying how they wish there were more big strong guys in the school. Good to know that not every girl is only into biebers
[quote]Dlouda wrote:
Checkin in to see you progress. 5/3/1 is a great program and did me good, so as long as you keep up with it I’m sure you’ll see steady gains.[/quote]