With the big money IPF meet coming up it seems Brett Gibbs has stepped on the gas to put up a massive 862.5kg training total. It blows away Russel Orhii’s biggest total.
Thought he was still coming back from injury and hasn’t seemed anywhere near his best since IPF worlds. Feel like this has come out of nowhere but at least there’ll be a big showdown between Gibbs and Orhii
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Holy crap 500lbs bench at 83kg. He looks a bit bigger to me, but I definitely could be wrong. I think if he matches that total at the SBD invitational, he’ll beat Russel. I think I might’ve heard something about them using IPF points for all of scoring, meaning it doesn’t matter if these guys make their normal weight class. I’m not actually sure if that’s true. If it is, it could be more interesting with guys coming in heavier
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If he’s competing in the 83s I think he’s gonna screw up like usual. If I remember correctly his attempt selections are not the best
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