breaking news on egg whites!

That’s the first I’ve heard of someone giving their wrist measurement to base muscular development on… maybe next you ankle or knee and who knows what then…

You don’t call yourself ‘shredded’ but are at 8-percent bodyfat… I’d say that’s not exactly fat, but then basically you also say you are eating what is essentially a bulking diet regimen and yet you remain only 166 at 5’7"?

Is that all you eat? Meat & Dairy? I should hope not. Cholesterol has to do with little. I mean I once ate nothing but Jack Link’s Kippered Beef Steak for 6 months and lost a shitload of weight and was lean and mean and had low cholesterol. Was it healthy? Not necessarily. Besides, maybe you are one of the lucky that can eat lot’s of high-fat protein sources and still remain low bodyfat. Just doesn’t work for many…

I also don’t think people read too much. They just think too little… nutrition isn’t so complicated, and as important as it is to reaching and maintaining top form, it’s really just another part of the greater picture…

Wrist measurements used to be a standard deal for bodybuilders. It just kinda went away in the late 50’s, early 60’s. Search around the net and you’ll find all kinds of info. It’s very interesting to see what kind of muscle mass was achieved naturally in those days by guys with different bone structures. By the way, they also collected ankle measurements at the old Mr. America competitions as well. Nate Dogg might be interested in some of that info as well.

More to the point, I was just using the measurement to point out that I’m no big guy by any stretch of the imagination. I’m also not looking to compete with Ronnie Coleman next week either so it doesn’t really bother me being the Mens Fitness model type. Works great for me. Maybe the Little Mister Hot Buns contest tomorrow down at the Bam-Bam Lounge’s isn’t a bad idea. Might win a few bucks. I’ve done the 190+ lb. bulking lardass routine before and won’t do it again.

Yes, I am gifted with a fast metabolism but I’m also cursed with a high ratio of fat gain to muscle ratio when I attempt bulking. When I realized that I had more in common with Bruce Lee than Arnold Schwarzengger then everything came into total focus. I would rather keep it under 10% and work with it.

No, I don’t live off of meat and dairy. I pretty much eat whatever I want within reason and I do keep the protein high. I eat plenty of veggies cuz I like it when my plumbing works properly and I love fruit when some here avoid like the plague. Sure, I can tell that I’m holding water if I’ve been eating junk but I don’t have a freakin’ cow and post asking for forgiveness like many I’ve seen here. C’mon guys. It ain’t gonna kill ya. You’re not gonna destroy a physique that took years to build with an occasional binge at the ice cream shack or drinking with the pals.

Speaking of strange diets, I once lost 20lbs while eating nothing but gas station honey buns, Big Mac meals, and Fruit Loops. I did it just to prove a point to a guy on the Atkins diet. Definitely wasn’t healthy. Definitely wasn’t great for keeping muscle mass but it did work. Sorry, I didn’t get my cholesterol checked during that diet. That was about six years ago while I was still wandering in the wilderness of health awareness and the doc really didn’t care cuz I hadn’t topped 30 yet.