I’m a 28 year old male, and I suffer from bad brain fog during recovery after a workout. Yesterday I worked out fairly hard for about an hour. I did:
Skull crushers
Cable pull downs
Chest flys
Reverse grip dips (a special one my trainer friend showed me)
I usually do 8x8 sets with a low to medium weight. I usually lift till I just can’t do another one, or I stop myself so I don’t overexert.
That day I ate:
Vegetable stir fry
Half cup almonds.
Shake (3 bananas 2 scoops protein (nitro fusion pro) and strawberries.
Two veggie burger patties with bread and ketchup.
A few snacks throughout the day
Supplements (omega 3, d3, multi, magnesium)
I’ve been staying well hydrated with super clean electron water. I slept well last night… nice and deep. It had been a week since my last workout.
Today I’ve been miserable with brain fog. It’s hard to concentrate. I did a little cardio which seemed to help some, but it’s been difficult to focus as normal.
I know it’s the workout that triggers it but what is the cause? Too much time since my last workout? Not enough food? Working out too hard?
I know some of you pros must run into this and must have some good ideas about how to overcome it. I feel like the recovery aspect of my workout is all that’s keeping me from truly making large gains. And I’m not gonna juice! lol
you are not eating nearly enough.
Are you vegetarian…stupid question probably, based on what you ate.
if by “super clean electron water” you mean distilled water, then stop drinking that. Distilled will pick up minerals in your body as it travels trough leaving you with less minerals. And with your diet you can’t afford to give any up.
None of the “pros” run into this because they know the importance of proper nutrition. Instead of investing your money in magic water, you might want to put it towards gaining knowledge of nutrition, what should be eaten, and when.
And next time you have a question, which will probably be very soon as your level of experience seems nonexistent, you shouldn’t insult those around you, because they happen to be some of the most knowledgeable people in this community.
It sounds like you are suffering from low testosterone. If so that would make sense from a diet that would starve a large housecat. You need more protiens and fats in your diet.
I’m a 28 year old male, and I suffer from bad brain fog during recovery after a workout. Yesterday I worked out fairly hard for about an hour. I did:
Skull crushers
Cable pull downs
Chest flys
Reverse grip dips (a special one my trainer friend showed me)
I usually do 8x8 sets with a low to medium weight. I usually lift till I just can’t do another one, or I stop myself so I don’t overexert.
That day I ate:
Vegetable stir fry
Half cup almonds.
Shake (3 bananas 2 scoops protein (nitro fusion pro) and strawberries.
Two veggie burger patties with bread and ketchup.
A few snacks throughout the day
Supplements (omega 3, d3, multi, magnesium)
I’ve been staying well hydrated with super clean electron water. I slept well last night… nice and deep. It had been a week since my last workout.
Today I’ve been miserable with brain fog. It’s hard to concentrate. I did a little cardio which seemed to help some, but it’s been difficult to focus as normal.
I know it’s the workout that triggers it but what is the cause? Too much time since my last workout? Not enough food? Working out too hard?
I know some of you pros must run into this and must have some good ideas about how to overcome it. I feel like the recovery aspect of my workout is all that’s keeping me from truly making large gains. And I’m not gonna juice! lol
Thank You
where’s the meat, Nancy boy. no large gains with out it. you have to lift heavy. to gain any size. eating what you eat, and training how you train. being on, wouldn’t make a damn difference.