Box Squatting for Raw Lifter

Hey all,
I have an issue of going WAY to deep on my squats, my coach is a huge fan of box squatting. My question is, are box squats effective for raw lifters. I think I am mainly going to use the box in a pause fashion with no rocking and using it to keep my depth to just below parallel. Does anyone else lift raw and box squat? if so how do you use it and do you think this will help with my excessive depth?

Im a raw lifter, and I dont box squat. Just didnt think it helped me, I know alot of people use them effectively so I would never say they are useless. Try them for yourself and for the purpose you stated, I remember seeing a Stan Efferding video where he did the same thing, had a box at the right depth and would just touch it as a gauge.

We’d need a video to determine if way too deep was really way too deep, but regardless, why don’t you just widen your stance? That should cut your depth off higher and generally you’ll be stronger with a wider stance.

i don’t really box squat myself, pete rubbish said he ussually does a few weeks of box squating and his regular squat follows. Not sure if this is right but he almosted squated 700something at 240 (deadlifts over 800 too at 230) so he’s a pretty damn strong dude

just do pause squats at parallel. it will keep you more active conscious of where you are in the squat. If you use a box to much you’ll have a tendency to look for the box and not really know where depth is.