I’m doing the Sweet 16 program, which has me box squatting 2x a day - So far, I love it. One question, though. I read a bunch of articles on box squatting, and a couple of times it was mentioned that I should try to sit way back on the box, such that my shins are perpendicular to the ground, or even beyond that. I feel pretty good squatting back such that my shins are about perpendicular; it feels solid and smooth, bar goes down, bar goes up. But when I try to sit back beyond perpendicular, I feel like I need to rock forward before I can explode up. I know that rocking forward is a no-no.
Here’s my thought. I have a shorter torso and longer legs. Mechanically, I don’t think it is possible for me to sit back as far as someone with a longer torso and shorter legs, because when I do, the bar must drift back as well, out of its path, because of my short torso; hence my rocking forward to get it back on its path.
Does that seem true? Is it alright for me to only sit back so my shins are perpendicular? Or should I really strive to go past perpendicular? I’m doing this twice a day, so I just want to make sure I do it right.