Books, Textbooks Favorites

T-Men, lend me your ears. While being glued to the computer screen has been fun these past months while i sift through all the T-mag back-issuses, I’ve still found time to read REAL books. Right now I’m reading “Strength and Power In Sports”. It’s an IOC publication. So, I was thinking, in order to provide each other with an expanded knowledge base, post you favorite textbook, book or T-mag article.
Easy T-Men,

For textbooks, The top 3 that come to mind with me are Supertraining, The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, and Essentials of Strength and Conditioning. As for books I really liked Facts and Fallicies of Fitness, How to Write Strength and Conditioning Programs, and Power to the People.

Harper’s biochemistry textbook and Tudor Bompa’s Periodization 4th edition

Get Buffed and How to Write Strength Training Programs by Ian King. The Science of Martial Arts Training by Charles Staley. Training for Speed by Charlie Francis. MILO, A Journal for Serious Strength Athletes. T-mag Web site and printed magazine. Combat Conditioning by Matt Furrey. Modern Trends in Strength Training by Charles Poliquin. Power to the People by Pavel Tsatsouline (this isn’t highly recommended, but does have some good information). I have a few other books, but they are not highly recommended (Poliquin Principles, Jerry Telle’s unedited book, Paul Chek’s ab book, Fleck and Kraemer’s Periodization book, etc).

Science & Practice of Strength Training - V. Zatsiorsky. Fitness& Strength Training for All Sports - Hartmann & Tunnemann. The Weightlifting Encyclopedia - Arthur Dreschler. Managing the Training of Weightlifters - Laputin. Programming & Organization of Training - Yuri Verkhoshansky. Designing Resistance Taining Programs - Fleck, Kraemer. Concrete Mathematics - Graham, Knuth, Patashnik. Organic Chemistry - Vollhardt, Schore. Geometry Revisited - H.S.M.Coxeter & Sam Greitzer. I’ve got the rest of Sportivy Press’s Russian Library in the mail, can’t wait until they get here. I’d be interested in hearing what Coach Davies’ & Chad Coy’s favs are.

Favorite books: Dinsosaur Training by Brooks Kubik, Get Buffed by Ian King. Mags: Milo, Dino Files.

supertraining (helpful, but not a fun read), Science and Practice, among others. I would also recommend the soviet sport reviews by Dr. Yessis although i havent viewed them yet.

I finished reading Get Buffed by Ian King, it was great, no need to look elsewhere.

Lots of threads, sweet. A great Text that i have for school; Exercise Physiology (Katch, Katch and Mcardle). Useless books (if there is such a thing); Getting Stronger (Bill Pearl), a Christmas gift and The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding 1st Ed. (Arnie). Any on-line resources other than or bible T-Mag?

    1. “Super Training” by Siff and Verkhoshansky (Elite Fitness Systems 1-614-309-6176) * 2. “Science and Practice of Strength Training” by Zatsiorsky (Human Kinetics 1-800-747-4457) * 3. “Science of Sports Training” by Kurz * 4. “Secrets of Soviet Sports and Fitness Training” by Yessis * 5. “Theory and Methodology of Training” by Bompa (Human Kinetics 1-800-747-4457) * 6. “Weightlifting Training & Technique” by Zhekov (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 7. " A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting" by Medvedyev (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 8. " The Training of the Weightlifter " by Roman (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 9. " The Management of the Weightlifter" (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 10. " Fundaments of Special Strength-Training in Sport" (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 11. “Weightlifting Year books” (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 12. “Programming and Organization of Training” by Verkhoshansky (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 13 " The Program of Multi - Year Training in Weightlifting" by Medvedyev (Dynamic Fitness Equipment 1-734-425-2862) * 14. " Power" by Hatfield ( * 15. “Periodization of Strength” by Bompa (Human Kinetics 1-800-747-4457) * 16. All the back articles written by Louie Simmons (Elite Fitness Systems 1-614-309-6176) * 17. " Soviet Sports Review" check your library

Thank you for being thorough. Makes it easier to find things. Appreciate the time…BigRob

I tend to collect rare first prints. Unfortunately some of the best stuff has never been either translated into English or updated for modern publication. I have a older friend of mine, a great Eastern bloc coach who we have been putting together a compilation work. Midnight recommended a great source - Soviet sport review and Louie’s work. I would also suggest Pavel’s work for a modern interpretation of great training. Finally, I havnt heard a single mention of martial arts and how it impacts concentration. I spend as much time with my athletes on visualizing success as anything - if you want some suggestions in that area, just ask the old coach.

In faith,
Coach Davies

Coach Davies, where do you usually find those old-school books?

BigRob I’d say any other volume from that sports medicine encyclopedia, especially the one by Zatsiorsky on sport biomechanics. It doesn’t cover weightlifting directly, but the stuff on any explosive sport, like throwing events & jumping is really good.