book choices

Birthday coming up. I am asking those near and dear for the book Supertraining as I’ve heard great things about it. And there is one other, but I have to choose. The choice is between Poliquin’s Modern Trends in Strength Training (or something like that) and King’s Get Buffed. For those that have read either or both, what did you think and which would you recommend. Any other awesome gift ideas for someone into strength training and bodybuilding? Many thanks!!

Supertraining is very technical and whilst it has practical info is really more about learning the science behind strength training. You’ll really struggle to apply it to your training quickly. Haven’t read the other 2 books.

suppertraining reads like a textbook the info is good but ive had it for a yr and stil havent manged to finish it. GET BUFFED is amazing id get that.

I own Modern Trends… and Get Buffed. I would definately pick up Get Buffed or How to Write Strength Training Programs by Ian King first. Both have about 300 pages of text whereas Modern Trends runs about 50 pages. Both of King’s books cover both bodybuilding and strength training whereas Modern Trends primary focus is set and rep schemes for optimal ‘strength’ development. If your looking for a good Poliquin book, check out ‘The Poliquin Principles’. It’s been out of print for a while so you may have to pick up a used copy.

It’s between SUPERTRAINING or GET BUFF.The first book is very technical and is not an easy read for the begginner or early intermediate,where as GET BUFF has all the info you’ll ever need for the average trainer.

Supertraining is a bit advanced, has a’lot about the why and how things work. Out of the two you’ve mentioned I’d go with Get Buffed. The next two I want to get is Staley’s Science of Martial Art Training and Kurz’s Stretching Scientifically. Anyone have comments on these two?

Really depends what you’re after and how extensive your knowledge is. Get buffed is a ready source of info that will cover all areas you are likely to encounter when designing a program best suited to your own genetic makeup. It is more flexible in its variables than the programs typically posted by I.K. on Tmag which are targeted more towards the those interested in canned programs. It is well laid out each chapter addressing a different area, e.g. volume, reps, no. of ex’s ect. So that at the end of each chapter you will have addressed a variable essential to your own training. Another important factor is its ease of readability. I.K. gets straight to the meat of a problem so you don’t have to wade through excessive verbiage to get the info you need. Believe me after you tackled some of the text books out there, you’ll realise how refreshing this is. Good info succinctly packaged is rare. One criticism though, it contains no descriptions on how to perform exercises correctly, but in the light of what it offers, this can be taken as a minor flaw. You might also want to consider purchasing his how to squat video, given that this is both the most beneficial exercise someone can do and also the one most likely to be performed incorrectly, you might find it worthwhile. I did. After two years I thought I knew how to Squat an hour of watching his tape showed how wrong I was. Now I have eliminated the lower back pain that was always a constant companion on my squat days, and am targeting my quads rather than adductors and glutes more than ever before.
Hope this helps.

If it’s one or the other, I would recommend Get Buffed. But I think the How to Write book is even better. Elite Fitness sells it. Better yet, ask for one as a gift and buy the other yourself. Well worth the money.

Get Buffed by Ian King

Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier

The Complete Book of Food Counts by Corinne Netzer

And of course a subscription to T-Mag!

Hey, thanks to all - great ideas! As far as textbooks go, I have a great time reading them actually, so I think Supertraining would be worth it (also considering Bompa’s periodization: theory and methodology). Will definitely go with King’s books and videos. Thanks again…

Power to the People by Pavel T. It’s an awesome book.

See the new “Stuff We Like” column at T-mag. Check out the Bill Pearl book. Sounds cool.

My current list of books that my family “has” to choose from when it time for gifts is mostly from

My main concern is that I keep adding books to the list all the time.
By the ways: Isn´t it time for t-mag to do a new Feed Your Head ? I mean there is some new writers and I think that most of the “older” writers must have read some new ones.

Supertraining is really hard to read. I’ve spent up to 1/2 an hour on just one page. So far, I’ve gotten a lot more out of Dinosaur Training.

Ive got both and Kings gives you more bang for the buck. I find myself going back to it on a regular basis. I’m about to buy Bill Pearls encyclopedia in just a moment as recommended by Shugart in this weeks Things we like.

Lets not forget about the Ultimate book as far as all around health and training. Sure it is a Twinlab pitch most of the time BUT replace that with the supplements by biotest and suggested by tmag and you will not find a better way to learn about Vit. and Mins.
and how our bodies work
I don’t agree with him on everything But he has alot of respect and It is a great read.
ALso if you want a real scare about the FDA and how you dont need doctors
“DEAD DOCTORS DON"T LIE” by Dr. Joel Wallach
It is an EYE- OPENER
or just stick with anything KING or Poliquin

Bryan- Actually, John Koenig recommended that book, but it does sound good. Haven’t checked it out yet myself. (See initials at the bottom of each review to find out who reviewed it.)

And yes, Feed Your Head II would make a good article. We may do that in the future.