I’m sure most of us remember this article from years back: All Muscle, No Iron
Every so often someone would post asking if the book was out yet. And holy shit, it actually is.
Just got my copy in the mail today, spent an hour or so looking through it before class.
(Table of Contents coming next post)
There’s at least 5 progressions of difficulty for each exercise (with pictures, most step by step) given, a lot that I’ve never even heard of before. Within each level of progression there’s guidelines as well- the amount of bodyweight variations blows my mind. I’m talking hundreds.
Unfortunately, what I thought was going to be the high point of the book (programming) only takes up about 15 pages and is rather simplistic and to the point, but I get the sense that it doesn’t have to be- there’s more than enough information here to take someone with no athletic gifts or background off the street and have them going straight into the basics progressions. There’s just enough guidelines to integrate with other exercise (aka lifting) as well.
The biggest thing that I wouldn’t mind hearing Coach Somner touch on is how quickly normal proportion trainees can progress- I couldn’t help but notice that in many of the examples used in the book for his athletes were under 5’4" and 130 lbs.
So in short, it’s a good buy. I’m going to start on some basic L-sit and Planche tonight.