I’ve been training seriously for almost a year now (using free weights and compound movements) and have never had any pain in my bones before. Basically the circled areas in the picture hurt LIKE HELL as if they’re being forcefully bent apart. At the moment, they’re only sore, but while (for example) doing dumbell curls, the SECOND I release grip on the dumbell, the pain hits like a ton of bricks. It doesn’t feel like muscular pain, it seems like it’s coming from the bone.
Do I just need to rest for a bit? Is there an injury there?
I agree with honest. Try switching to a more pronated grip or hammer curls with dB’s for awhile. Just be careful not to do them every single bicep workout or you could end up with tennis elbow like me. Keeping the forearms and elbows injury free is a must, otherwise it will hold you back big time.
[quote]AzCats wrote:
I agree with honest. Try switching to a more pronated grip or hammer curls with dB’s for awhile. Just be careful not to do them every single bicep workout or you could end up with tennis elbow like me. Keeping the forearms and elbows injury free is a must, otherwise it will hold you back big time.[/quote]
[quote]AzCats wrote:
I agree with honest. Try switching to a more pronated grip or hammer curls with dB’s for awhile. Just be careful not to do them every single bicep workout or you could end up with tennis elbow like me. Keeping the forearms and elbows injury free is a must, otherwise it will hold you back big time.[/quote]
What are you doing for your tendonitis?[/quote]
I can’t do hammer curls at the moment because it just hurts too much. reverse curls are even worse. I have dropped to lighter weights with high reps and avoid anything that aggravates the tendons. Lateral raises tend to hurt a bit also. I try to ice and heat the forearms as much as I can during the day along with massaging and stretching the tendons. I have had either tennis elbow or golfers elbow for at least 4 months now. I was taking lots of anti-inflammatory meds to help with the pain and ended up getting stomach ulcer from too much aleve. I am now doing IV shots of an over the counter anti-inflam med here in Mexico called Tribedoce-DX. After 3 shots of this, my tennis elbow is almost nonexistent. I’m not sure what its called in the US or if it’s even available, but it has done wonders for all my joints after 2 shots.
[quote]Euphoria89 wrote:
I’ve been training seriously for almost a year now (using free weights and compound movements) and have never had any pain in my bones before. Basically the circled areas in the picture hurt LIKE HELL as if they’re being forcefully bent apart. At the moment, they’re only sore, but while (for example) doing dumbell curls, the SECOND I release grip on the dumbell, the pain hits like a ton of bricks. It doesn’t feel like muscular pain, it seems like it’s coming from the bone.
Do I just need to rest for a bit? Is there an injury there?
What’s up?[/quote]
When I’m hurt somewhere, usually I try to eat more, sleep more, if it persist I change my split, routine, volume.
But I have never been wrong not doing a movement that hurt like what you describe until the body fixed. The sharp pain did not magically appear, you should have stopped at the rep you did feel it for the first time.
That sounds exactly like the pain I’ve started getting when I do curls. It hurts like hell when I release the bar(s). I don’t know about you, but I’m laying off any curl variations for a week. I’d like to be able to lift pain-free for the other 51 weeks this year. Luckily, chin-ups son’t hurt, so I’ll be able to maintain some level of gunz.
Also, like others have said, I’ve found that forearm work doesn’t hurt at all. Hit up those hammer curls, reverse curls, pinwheels, etc.
I wouldn’t worry about the doc unless they’re a sport doc. Sounds like tendonitis to me. What does it feel like when you manipulate your muscles. Are the any localised, tender spots or obvious strands that are inflamed?
When I flex my forearm, move it, etc. it feels completely painless and normal. Not swollen at all. The pain only hits after lifting heavy weights in certain positions (like a curl). I’ll get it checked out tomorrow and let you guys know what’s up.