Bodybuilding Research Survey

Hey everyone,

Im currently doing my Masters dissertation for Psychology and am looking for guys who compete in bodybuilding OR if you partake in resistance training on a regular basis, to fill out the survey linked below. All in all it takes 5 mins for the survey to be completed and I dont require any contact details etc.

For those of you who are interested, the study is investigating the Athletic Identity, Motivation and Self-efficacy of bodybuilders vs recreational exercisers. Essentially looking at does partaking in competition, regardless of format (i.e. bodybuilding shows), has an effect of these variables.

I really appreciate anyone taking the time to fill it out the survey and if this does get some academic attention in terms of publication I will be sure to inform everyone here via. the forums. The survey is below!!

Please answer the questions below. All questions are necessary.

Once again, I appreciate anyone taking the time to fill in the survey!


:+1: done!


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Done for you bud

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I did on too.

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:heavy_check_mark: Did it

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Hope you share your findings. My best friend is a therapist and lifelong gym rat. Heā€™s always had his theories on why most trainers find their way to and become addicted to the gym.


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No BB veteran here. But happy to share my thoughts/experience. Good luck!

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Will do! Essentially this study had humble begins when discussing sport and athlete ā€œstatusā€ with a colleague. I brought up the discussion of bodybuilding being a sport, and thus bodybuilders athletes. This became a bit of a debate, he runs internationally and as you can imagine has a fairly strong perception of what is to be considered an athlete. So I came up with this research idea and it was received fairly well by my supervisors.

Essentially I want to see if two populations perform a similar task (resistance training) but have different goals or reasoning (bodybuilding shows vs general physical health) does it increase athletic identity, motivation and self efficacy. Essentially does adding competition into the mix influence things.

So far preliminary results are showing some differences in some variables but Ill need more competitive bodybuilders to fill in the survey before I can begin to make any real analysis from it. Hopefully it will be interesting!

A little bit of a change from the exercise addiction, body dysmorphia and eating disorders that current make up the literature surrounding bodybuilders/bodybuilding.

Thanks again to everyone who has filled it in so far!


