Bodybuilding Podcast: Darden Reminisces

Well worth a listen

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I really enjoyed it.
The part where El mentions the Sports Illustrated writer who tells him how he starts each article with a powerful statement (Arthur Jones speaks in capital letters !), brought back memories from around 1983/4 when like a lot of UK based HIT fans we received the Nautilus Advanced Bodybuilding Book from Chris Lund.
I can remember the opening words to that book today.
ā€œNautilus builds muscle, and it builds muscle fast !!ā€
Thatā€™s how to grab a young bodybuilderā€™s attention !

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Yes, John Hansen did a nice job on the podcast. Look for a Zoom version soon.

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I enjoyed it - hopefully more of these in the future.

I really enjoy hearing about the old days of bodybuilding and hearing it from Darden was great. There was an old interview with Roger Schwab years ago that I tried to link to the old Darden HIT forum for everyone but for whatever reason it never showed up. Not sure if it was the same podcast show or not but o think it might have been .

It was another great interview of a HIT advocate who talked a lot about Arnold in the interview , and all in a positive way. I met and talked with Roger many years ago and he was generous with his time with me and had some great stories about Casey, Jones, Tolbert and Dr. Ken .

Really enjoy hearing about ā€˜the way it wasā€™ from guys who were right here . Hope thereā€™s more interviews with Dr.Darden in the future.

excellent podcast