[quote]bond james bond wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]bond james bond wrote:
X2…Anytime I see a talking head on TV like Nancy Grace and others like her say things like this I tell myself it’s just her producer insructing her to spew out this crap, no way she actually believe’s it, it just make for good TV. Oherwise I would kick the TV in.
I’m sure if you looked hard enough you could find fights between poor losers at a badminton tournament lol. A sport not known for PED’s.
You can…but no one cries ‘steroids’ because they can’t see muscle…AND THAT IS THE ONLY REASON.
That is why these accusations don’t fly. I see people with road rage every single day…but they are all on steroids?
Wait, so if they have big muscles, THEN it is steroids?
I mean, why the fuck are we even assuming these guys are on steroids to start with? They aren’t that damned big in the first place.
As far as the talking heads, they feed the general public the opinion they desire. Bullshit becomes FACT because of jackasses like her and others.
Roid Rage used to be a MYTH not even accepted by clinical science…but give it 3 years of the Benoit tragedy in stereo and now it is accepted as fact…based on NOTHING but general public “opinion” based on hearsay and fear-mongering.
I work with mostly women and I try to set the record straight when I can without preaching. Awhile back I was working with two women and the convo got to “muscle” dudes and the eeuuuwww factor. One didn’t like the look at all and the other just kinda shrugged. After a couple minutes I asked her okay, if you get past the hugeness what about the dicipline, diet, work etc involved in getting your pro card to just be able to compete, you have to atleast respect that can’t you?. She did but it took some prodding lol.
I had two ladies stop me at Pappa’s barbecue yesterday as I walked by them. the “eewww” factor is obviously just a knee jerk response to the way some of them look when dieted down…because they do not have that reaction to muscle at other time from what I see. Women don’t like that veined up and oiled up look…and that is all they think of when you say “bodybuilder”.
Either way, along with the topic…if you get upset in public, having muscles is all it takes to be accused of this…even if the skinny guy in front of you reacted the same.
It is wrong for them to assume “steroids” just like it is wrong to assume that simply because the guys in the OP are “bodybuilders” that DA ROIDZ are the reason why any of them would ever be upset on stage.