Bodybuilding Competition Fight

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:

Wait…so because many people are jerks, steroids make many people jerks?[/quote]

Hey same old straw man games huh? LOL

What straw man? Because someone acts like a jerk does not mean steroids had shit to do with it…yet you are here claiming specifically “Steroids can cause some who are already “jerks” (insecure, self absorbed, hot headed etc.) to begin with to become practically intolerable.”

How do you know this? What degree in psychology or advanced psych training do you have to jump to a conclusion like that? Any clinical experience with these people as patients?

I mean, I quoted you directly so you can’t claim this is a straw man. You did write “Steroids can cause some who are already “jerks” (insecure, self absorbed, hot headed etc.) to begin with to become practically intolerable.”…yet provided no basis for why you think this is true.

Show me the straw man…then answer the fucking question.

As with practically anything in life, it is foolish and “wrong” to look at any issue from one side. “Juice” is no different. Call it what you will and buy into, or downplay, the media hype all you wish…The fact is, every case is slightly different and there are more variables that people care to acknowledge. If you’re pro, you’ll downplay the negative sides that are known to exist. If you’re against, you’ll latch on to the buzz words and case studies that were best used to scapegoat steroids. (Benoit). …Nevermind his history of head trauma and mental instability…

Rarely, if ever, are steroids the cause.
Rarely, if ever, are they completely unrelated to an “incident.” (“Incident” referring to any outburst or other occurrence that might pull the ‘he’s on the steroids!’ comment).

It is all a stupid word game. When you’re feeling good, you don’t tolerate bullshit and are more likely to be a robust man, whatever that means to you. It just so happens that elevated test is known to bring about this very feeling.
While “roid rage” is complete bullshit - those of you that have used Tren should acknowledge that some substances aren’t without their trades.

I don’t really know what I hope to accomplish here…In closing:

X, Zeb: You’re both right to some extent.

As well, if I clamored on stage looking like those goons, I would be upset too. Not to mention there are certain cultural particulars that certainly play into these things. Oh yeah, and people are pretty fucking pathetic when they have an opportunity to “be tough” with no consequence. Fucking animals.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

I heard Nancy Grace going off about this once as if any time a guy gets angry, it is likely to point to steroid use.

X2…Anytime I see a talking head on TV like Nancy Grace and others like her say things like this I tell myself it’s just her producer insructing her to spew out this crap, no way she actually believe’s it, it just make for good TV. Oherwise I would kick the TV in.

I’m sure if you looked hard enough you could find fights between poor losers at a badminton tournament lol. A sport not known for PED’s.

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

X2…Anytime I see a talking head on TV like Nancy Grace and others like her say things like this I tell myself it’s just her producer insructing her to spew out this crap, no way she actually believe’s it, it just make for good TV. Oherwise I would kick the TV in.

I’m sure if you looked hard enough you could find fights between poor losers at a badminton tournament lol. A sport not known for PED’s.

You can…but no one cries ‘steroids’ because they can’t see muscle…AND THAT IS THE ONLY REASON.

That is why these accusations don’t fly. I see people with road rage every single day…but they are all on steroids?

Wait, so if they have big muscles, THEN it is steroids?

I mean, why the fuck are we even assuming these guys are on steroids to start with? They aren’t that damned big in the first place.

As far as the talking heads, they feed the general public the opinion they desire. Bullshit becomes FACT because of jackasses like her and others.

Roid Rage used to be a MYTH not even accepted by clinical science…but give it 3 years of the Benoit tragedy in stereo and now it is accepted as fact…based on NOTHING but general public “opinion” based on hearsay and fear-mongering.

[quote]phor wrote:
As well, if I clamored on stage looking like those goons, I would be upset too. [/quote]

Which is the point. These guys have been on low carb low cal for the last 3-4 months at least. In that country, they likely all knew each other before hand adding to the competition between them. It is easy to sit back in a chair and comment about how everyone else should act…but my guess is, if the people here trained hard for several years and then spent half a year eating chicken breasts only to get shit on on stage, my guess is, more than would admit would be visibly pissed off if the judging went way against what they thought.

That is even more incentive for me to be fat and attempt to be strong. Insulin on-deck, quesadilla almost done. Rocky IV going in the DVD player to motivate me for further T-Nation discussion. Today is a powerful day.
Stages? We don’t need no stin…

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

X2…Anytime I see a talking head on TV like Nancy Grace and others like her say things like this I tell myself it’s just her producer insructing her to spew out this crap, no way she actually believe’s it, it just make for good TV. Oherwise I would kick the TV in.

I’m sure if you looked hard enough you could find fights between poor losers at a badminton tournament lol. A sport not known for PED’s.

You can…but no one cries ‘steroids’ because they can’t see muscle…AND THAT IS THE ONLY REASON.

That is why these accusations don’t fly. I see people with road rage every single day…but they are all on steroids?

Wait, so if they have big muscles, THEN it is steroids?

I mean, why the fuck are we even assuming these guys are on steroids to start with? They aren’t that damned big in the first place.

As far as the talking heads, they feed the general public the opinion they desire. Bullshit becomes FACT because of jackasses like her and others.

Roid Rage used to be a MYTH not even accepted by clinical science…but give it 3 years of the Benoit tragedy in stereo and now it is accepted as fact…based on NOTHING but general public “opinion” based on hearsay and fear-mongering.

I work with mostly women and I try to set the record straight when I can without preaching. Awhile back I was working with two women and the convo got to “muscle” dudes and the eeuuuwww factor. One didn’t like the look at all and the other just kinda shrugged. After a couple minutes I asked her okay, if you get past the hugeness what about the dicipline, diet, work etc involved in getting your pro card to just be able to compete, you have to atleast respect that can’t you?. She did but it took some prodding lol.

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

X2…Anytime I see a talking head on TV like Nancy Grace and others like her say things like this I tell myself it’s just her producer insructing her to spew out this crap, no way she actually believe’s it, it just make for good TV. Oherwise I would kick the TV in.

I’m sure if you looked hard enough you could find fights between poor losers at a badminton tournament lol. A sport not known for PED’s.

You can…but no one cries ‘steroids’ because they can’t see muscle…AND THAT IS THE ONLY REASON.

That is why these accusations don’t fly. I see people with road rage every single day…but they are all on steroids?

Wait, so if they have big muscles, THEN it is steroids?

I mean, why the fuck are we even assuming these guys are on steroids to start with? They aren’t that damned big in the first place.

As far as the talking heads, they feed the general public the opinion they desire. Bullshit becomes FACT because of jackasses like her and others.

Roid Rage used to be a MYTH not even accepted by clinical science…but give it 3 years of the Benoit tragedy in stereo and now it is accepted as fact…based on NOTHING but general public “opinion” based on hearsay and fear-mongering.

I work with mostly women and I try to set the record straight when I can without preaching. Awhile back I was working with two women and the convo got to “muscle” dudes and the eeuuuwww factor. One didn’t like the look at all and the other just kinda shrugged. After a couple minutes I asked her okay, if you get past the hugeness what about the dicipline, diet, work etc involved in getting your pro card to just be able to compete, you have to atleast respect that can’t you?. She did but it took some prodding lol.


I had two ladies stop me at Pappa’s barbecue yesterday as I walked by them. the “eewww” factor is obviously just a knee jerk response to the way some of them look when dieted down…because they do not have that reaction to muscle at other time from what I see. Women don’t like that veined up and oiled up look…and that is all they think of when you say “bodybuilder”.

Either way, along with the topic…if you get upset in public, having muscles is all it takes to be accused of this…even if the skinny guy in front of you reacted the same.

It is wrong for them to assume “steroids” just like it is wrong to assume that simply because the guys in the OP are “bodybuilders” that DA ROIDZ are the reason why any of them would ever be upset on stage.

Not related to the topic, but since we are talking about juice,

Imagine what is like to be someone who get stressed easily, doesn’t use juice, and get accused of roid rage every single day.

Welcome to my world. I wonder why I haven’t punched someone’s face in yet.

[quote]DeltaOne wrote:
Not related to the topic, but since we are talking about juice,

Imagine what is like to be someone who get stressed easily, doesn’t use juice, and get accused of roid rage every single day.

Welcome to my world. I wonder why I haven’t punched someone’s face in yet.[/quote]

Dude, if I go off on the people at a fast food place because they completely FUBAR’d my meal, you can bet I get the same. That is why I am tired of seeing it with everything. If you are a guy who looks masculine now, if you EVER get upset, expect to be branded as such.

Eventually, we will have to take sedatives all day long so we fit in with the lemmings.

Out of all the news reports over the years of folks going “postal” I don’t recall any of them looking like they were gym rats lol.

One week I get repetitly in an argument/almost a fight with an obnoxious guy at the gym. Some month later I see him again. Lost a bunch of size and try to stay away from me as much I do. Act like a normal guy. Seems like he understood he was a major asshole.

Steroids does make people more aggressive and obnoxious. The reason some of you deny that is try to justify and convince yourself that your own usage is somewhat more “legit” and acceptable

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:

Wait…so because many people are jerks, steroids make many people jerks?[/quote]

Hey same old straw man games huh? LOL

What straw man? Because someone acts like a jerk does not mean steroids had shit to do with it…yet you are here claiming specifically “Steroids can cause some who are already “jerks” (insecure, self absorbed, hot headed etc.) to begin with to become practically intolerable.”

How do you know this? What degree in psychology or advanced psych training do you have to jump to a conclusion like that? Any clinical experience with these people as patients?

I mean, I quoted you directly so you can’t claim this is a straw man. You did write “Steroids can cause some who are already “jerks” (insecure, self absorbed, hot headed etc.) to begin with to become practically intolerable.”…yet provided no basis for why you think this is true.

Show me the straw man…then answer the fucking question.

This was my statement:

It looks like I’ve blamed a combination of things from my original post. How come you’re not all upset over the other comments? “Hey dieting does not make you mean unless you are unbalanced to begin with.” Why not say that? HUH? You’ve zero’d in on steroids like a dog chasing a rabbit. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun to watch you jump to the tune of …ready? (((((STEROIDS))))). Quite comical it is. The next time I want a rise out of you I’ll know what to say-

I think at your peak you were better than this. Better come back over to the PWI threads for a tune up fight before you jump next time.

[quote]RSGZ wrote:
These are the kinds of retards that give the sport a bad rep.

What a bunch of fucking kids, fighting because they didn’t agree with a judges decision.[/quote]


[quote]ZEB wrote:
Better come back over to the PWI threads for a tune up fight before you jump next time.

Since when did PWI become the last bastion of pin-sharp, unbiased perception and superior debating skills?

What about the part in the vid (shortly before things get crazy) where the competitor is clearly being egged on by the crowd, and the part where an audible cheer goes up when he rips the check to pieces? He’s on a stage in front of a baying crowd, and he’s following the first rule of showbiz: give the audience what they want.

[quote]ZEB wrote:

This was my statement:

It looks like I’ve blamed a combination of things from my original post. How come you’re not all upset over the other comments? “Hey dieting does not make you mean unless you are unbalanced to begin with.” Why not say that? HUH? You’ve zero’d in on steroids like a dog chasing a rabbit. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun to watch you jump to the tune of …ready? (((((STEROIDS))))). Quite comical it is. The next time I want a rise out of you I’ll know what to say-

I think at your peak you were better than this. Better come back over to the PWI threads for a tune up fight before you jump next time.


What the fuck is this shit? How do you know any of these people are on steroids? How are you jumping to all of these conclusions based ONLY on the fact that they are muscular on a stage?

I have asked from the beginning how you arrive at this conclusion and you keep bypassing…poorly I might add. So far, you have run to “straw man” to now making the issue about me for some reason when you won’t simply answer HOW YOU KNOW ANY OF THESE GUYS ARE ON STEROIDS TO START WITH and why you would assume that someone acting in an aggressive way implies steroid use?

If you can’t answer the question, don’t pretend you are smart enough to actually debate anyone.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:

This was my statement:

It looks like I’ve blamed a combination of things from my original post. How come you’re not all upset over the other comments? “Hey dieting does not make you mean unless you are unbalanced to begin with.” Why not say that? HUH? You’ve zero’d in on steroids like a dog chasing a rabbit. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun to watch you jump to the tune of …ready? (((((STEROIDS))))). Quite comical it is. The next time I want a rise out of you I’ll know what to say-

I think at your peak you were better than this. Better come back over to the PWI threads for a tune up fight before you jump next time.


What the fuck is this shit? How do you know any of these people are on steroids? How are you jumping to all of these conclusions based ONLY on the fact that they are muscular on a stage?

I have asked from the beginning how you arrive at this conclusion and you keep bypassing…poorly I might add. So far, you have run to “straw man” to now making the issue about me for some reason when you won’t simply answer HOW YOU KNOW ANY OF THESE GUYS ARE ON STEROIDS TO START WITH and why you would assume that someone acting in an aggressive way implies steroid use?

If you can’t answer the question, don’t pretend you are smart enough to actually debate anyone.[/quote]

And you don’t seem to be smart enough to fully comprehend what I wrote. One more time for the slow set:

No one knows why someone would react the way that one bodybuilder did. Not you, or anyone on this board can say for sure. But the short list of possibilities that I quickly wrote down is as likely as anything. Where does it say steroids was the only factor? In fact I said “just a little roid rage.” That indicates that it was only one factor, or perhaps potentially the least factor involved. I threw out many possibilities, or, a combination of possibilities.
And in fact my short list is as predictable a cause for his behavior as someone (like you) crying about me claiming steroids could be one factor.

I joked about someone reacting to my mention of steroids. I wondered who was going to bite, but should have known it would be you. You are the “boo hoo” king Professor. If someone touches any of your sacred cows they suffer a storm of posts each more ridiculous than the previous. I can only wonder what number we’re currently on. Or, how many you’ll write. Each time changing your point just a tad to try to slide out of your initial inane straw man argument that I said it was purely a case of steroid abuse. I’ve been through this ride with you many times. And you’ve supplied me with a great amount of laughter. I’m sure this time around you will not disappoint.

Keep those posts coming Professor Predictable.


[quote]ZEB wrote:
Quite comical it is.

Anybody ever told you that you have quite a unique turn of phrase? I mean, I’ve never heard anyone use Yoda-isms in quite the way you do. Well, maybe two, or just one person (not including Yoda himself). Three guesses for where I’m going with this…

[quote]roybot wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Quite comical it is.

Anybody ever told you that you have quite a unique turn of phrase? I mean, I’ve never heard anyone use Yoda-isms in quite the way you do. Well, maybe two, or just one person (not including Yoda himself). Three guesses for where I’m going with this…[/quote]