The Neighborhood Bully

I wouldn’t have thought T-Nationers were a good representation, or cross section of the regular population. Body builders, weight lifters, power lifters, however you classify yourself, must actually be a very small percentage of the population. Just spending a day in public supports this, with the majority of what I see to be, well, fat rednecks.

If that’s right, it goes one step further, in my eyes, when as someone who trains, you join a website of like minded people for support, interaction, banter, jibber-jabber, whatever. A group that in my eyes, is largely type A personalities.

Admittedly, I fall into this category. Now, I don’t spend a lot of time posting. But when I run across some moron picking on people unjustly, I feel the inherent need to speak up. This is ingrained in me. Is this a type A trait? Maybe.

Here’s my question to the rest of T-Nation. Is my way of thinking here skewed? Have we become a community where when we walk right by a crime in progress, we shrug our shoulders and turn a blind eye thinking, “It’s not my problem.”

Or is it that most don’t want to become the target of ridiculous ridicule, because you know you will, as soon as you defend, or at least stand up next to the one being attacked?

Obviously, this question doesn’t apply to some. To the rest that say nothing, surely you have an opinion? Or are we a group that is more interested in our individual selves than the good of the community?

Veterans of any forum that deals with getting things done grow weary of seeing different newbs spouting off the same misinformation. Patience wears thin, and in turn someone gets their head chewed off. These are the facts of life on teh interwebz.

I won’t speak for anyone else here, but for me? Yes. I don’t care if someone gets flamed or picked on for spreading false information. Hell, I’m guilty of giving out bad info in the past and deservedly got reprimanded for it. You learn from your mistakes and move on.

I see what you’re getting at, and I happen to think popularity plays a big role in it.

I’m not a type-A.

But I do have a big mouth about injustice, and do speak up when the need arises. If words do nothing to squelch the problem (most of the time people simmer down when called out so publicly for their stupidity), I take the next step…ie. stepping in, or calling authorities.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
Obviously, this question doesn’t apply to some. To the rest that say nothing, surely you have an opinion?

Veterans of any forum that deals with getting things done grow weary of seeing different newbs spouting off the same misinformation. Patience wears thin, and in turn someone gets their head chewed off. These are the facts of life on teh interwebz.

Or are we a group that is more interested in our individual selves than the good of the community?

I won’t speak for anyone else here, but for me? Yes. I don’t care if someone gets flamed or picked on for spreading false information. Hell, I’m guilty of giving out bad info in the past and deservedly got reprimanded for it. You learn from your mistakes and move on.[/quote]

I’m not refering to the idiot that has it coming. I don’t mean you specifically. That type of person typically has shown his ass to the point he needs calling out. What I mean is the poster who’s singled out over an obvious personal vendetta.

No examples can be given of bad advice or false information. Just worthless diatribe without basis. And it spirals downward with hate mongering and name calling – to solve what? Absolutely nothing, except to emphasize the need for bipolar members to carry their sorry asses to the doctor for an updated prescription.

[quote]anonym wrote:
I see what you’re getting at, and I happen to think popularity plays a big role in it.[/quote]

Could be. But how popular is someone who when she posts, curses someone up one side and down the other? That’s more an intimidation factor, than anything else. And a sure sign of insecurity on the part of the belligerent instigator.

[quote]5.0 wrote:
I’m not refering to the idiot that has it coming. I don’t mean you specifically. That type of person typically has shown his ass to the point he needs calling out. What I mean is the poster who’s singled out over an obvious personal vendetta. No examples can be given of bad advice or false information.

Just worthless diatribe without basis. And it spirals downward with hate mongering and name calling – to solve what? Absolutely nothing, except to emphasize the need for bipolar members to carry their sorry asses to the doctor for an updated prescription.

You know what the offended party should do in that case? Keep quiet and don’t reply to anything the bully says. Is there really nothing else going on in someone’s life that they need to do instead of getting upset over an anonymous bully on the internet? This is just another useless stressor that’s plaguing the world these days.

The forum is plenty big enough to steer clear of the obvious windbags, blowhards, and miserable grouches. Give them their room, and be helpful (and preferably funny) where you can.


Coming from you, of all people.

This is a troll job, people. He’s trying to call me out without having to actually do say my name.

Just let the thread die if he doesn’t possess the balls to come out and name names.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:

You know what the offended party should do in that case? Keep quiet and don’t reply to anything the bully says.

Is there really nothing else going on in someone’s life that they need to do instead of getting upset over an anonymous bully on the internet? This is just another useless stressor that’s plaguing the world these days.

The forum is plenty big enough to steer clear of the obvious windbags, blowhards, and miserable grouches. Give them their room, and be helpful (and preferably funny) where you can.

I understand your point, but don’t agree. There’s a time and place you, well, that I can’t take the rhetoric lying down.

Rainjack, I’m sorry you have a small penis. Or maybe it’s a large clitoris, I don’t know.

Just stop taking it out on the rest of T-Nation.

[quote]5.0 wrote:
Rainjack, I’m sorry you have a small penis. Or maybe it’s a large clitoris, I don’t know.

Just stop taking it out on the rest of T-Nation.[/quote]

I’m not taking anything out on anyone. You saw my post to ITZ in the steroid forum, and then started this thread.

Honestly, it has nothing to do with my penis. But since you seem so interested - it is fabulous.

[quote]5.0 wrote:
I understand your point, but don’t agree. There’s a time and place you, well, that I can’t take the rhetoric lying down.[/quote]

That’s cool. Just keep in mind that comments about so-and-so’s genitalia aren’t exactly going to smooth things over and get everybody on your side.

Best of luck on your campaign.

[quote]5.0 wrote:
Rainjack, I’m sorry you have a small penis. Or maybe it’s a large clitoris, I don’t know.


“And it spirals downward with hate mongering and name calling – to solve what? Absolutely nothing, except to emphasize the need for bipolar members to carry their sorry asses to the doctor for an updated prescription.”

  • 5.0


This is kind of dickless.

I don’t know you from a hole in a wall, and I have no animosity toward you, but “calling out” a poster by implication is just ridiculous. If you have a beef, either get over it or work it out. No one else cares. A lot of people like rainjack. But even if he were a troll, this is the internet. You deal with it and move on.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
5.0 wrote:
I understand your point, but don’t agree. There’s a time and place you, well, that I can’t take the rhetoric lying down.

That’s cool. Just keep in mind that comments about so-and-so’s genitalia aren’t exactly going to smooth things over and get everybody on your side.

Best of luck on your campaign.

HA! True enough.

And I didn’t mean for this to be a campaign per se, at least outwardly. I realize that my perspective is subjective; I just found it extremely hard to believe I was in the minority with my beliefs. If that is the case, it honestly wouldn’t be the first time.

[quote]NateOrade wrote:
5.0 wrote:
Rainjack, I’m sorry you have a small penis. Or maybe it’s a large clitoris, I don’t know.

“And it spirals downward with hate mongering and name calling – to solve what? Absolutely nothing, except to emphasize the need for bipolar members to carry their sorry asses to the doctor for an updated prescription.”

  • 5.0[/quote]

Here I am apologizing for his possible shortcomings, and this rises to hate mongering? Badgering, instigating, sure, but certainly not hate mongering.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
5.0 wrote:
I understand your point, but don’t agree. There’s a time and place you, well, that I can’t take the rhetoric lying down.

That’s cool. Just keep in mind that comments about so-and-so’s genitalia aren’t exactly going to smooth things over and get everybody on your side.

Best of luck on your campaign.

And that’s just it. He’s so concerned about my behavior, and my language that he feels compelled to start a thread about it yet can’t seem to pull the log out of his own eye.

People know I am an asshole. I freely admit it. I use very salty language, and can be rather aggressive. If you are going to be offended by my posting style - then just ignore me.

But please - spare me the insult of hypocrisy when you are guilty of the exact same behavior, and start a thread bemoaning the way I post.

If the average person cannot see that the OP is a childish little girl - I have many, many posts I can quote from him engaging in the exact behavior he is so upset about.

[quote]nephorm wrote:

This is kind of dickless.

I don’t know you from a hole in a wall, and I have no animosity toward you, but “calling out” a poster by implication is just ridiculous. If you have a beef, either get over it or work it out. No one else cares. A lot of people like rainjack. But even if he were a troll, this is the internet. You deal with it and move on.[/quote]

So…you’re one of the ambiguous ones. You don’t even commit to whether it’s dickless.

I must not have a grasp on the word ‘troll’.

I see you don’t say whether you’re one of those people who likes him. If so, enlighten me. I’m an optimist. What are his redeeming qualities?

[quote]5.0 wrote:
So…you’re one of the ambiguous ones. You don’t even commit to whether it’s dickless.

I was being nice. But if you want me to commit: dickless and cowardly.

I guess not.

I see you don’t say whether you’re one of those people who likes him. If so, enlighten me. I’m an optimist. What are his redeeming qualities? [/quote]

Yes, I like him. If nothing else, he is amusing. Oh, and he’s direct. He doesn’t pussyfoot around trying to make a point without actually making one. So he’s got that going for him.

But this is all irrelevant, since he is not going anywhere, and the real issue is why you felt you had to start up a thread about internet rivalry nonsense.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
And that’s just it. He’s so concerned about my behavior, and my language that he feels compelled to start a thread about it yet can’t seem to pull the log out of his own eye.

People know I am an asshole. I freely admit it. I use very salty language, and can be rather aggressive. If you are going to be offended by my posting style - then just ignore me.

But please - spare me the insult of hypocrisy when you are guilty of the exact same behavior, and start a thread bemoaning the way I post.

If the average person cannot see that the OP is a childish little girl - I have many, many posts I can quote from him engaging in the exact behavior he is so upset about.[/quote]

The point is, I don’t get it. There’s is no doubt I am an emotional being. You make me angry, incensed even, with the stuff you put up. I stoop to your level with name calling, regrettably. But what does it mean when you call someone a cunt?

Use more descriptive words - some that paint a particular picture. When I call you a worthless dried up old windbag, well that paints a certain picture. But, cunt? A dirty, stinky, gaping, used up hole? A festering cauliflower looking cum dumpster? Again, what are you trying to say?

Cancer, I understand. You’re talking out your ass, but I get it. Go for more descriptive words of that nature.