I wouldn’t have thought T-Nationers were a good representation, or cross section of the regular population. Body builders, weight lifters, power lifters, however you classify yourself, must actually be a very small percentage of the population. Just spending a day in public supports this, with the majority of what I see to be, well, fat rednecks.
If that’s right, it goes one step further, in my eyes, when as someone who trains, you join a website of like minded people for support, interaction, banter, jibber-jabber, whatever. A group that in my eyes, is largely type A personalities.
Admittedly, I fall into this category. Now, I don’t spend a lot of time posting. But when I run across some moron picking on people unjustly, I feel the inherent need to speak up. This is ingrained in me. Is this a type A trait? Maybe.
Here’s my question to the rest of T-Nation. Is my way of thinking here skewed? Have we become a community where when we walk right by a crime in progress, we shrug our shoulders and turn a blind eye thinking, “It’s not my problem.”
Or is it that most don’t want to become the target of ridiculous ridicule, because you know you will, as soon as you defend, or at least stand up next to the one being attacked?
Obviously, this question doesn’t apply to some. To the rest that say nothing, surely you have an opinion? Or are we a group that is more interested in our individual selves than the good of the community?