[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
i share your fear of leg day, but i love back day. i love it more than chest day. because doing rack pulls with 405 while the bar bends and everyone is set on their bench watching you feels pretty good. the anabolic affects from moving all that weight feel damn good too and so does the back pump.
i disagree with your portrait of a bodybuilder though. i dont think you need to be 250lbs to be a bodybuilder. i think you need to be a respectable weight but 250 lean is heavyweight pro level and theres different classes for a reason.
i repsect every bodybuilder who puts in hardwork but having the size of ronnie coleman does not appeal to me. i think he looks overly bloated and rounded even when in contest shape. the guy just looks bad to me.
i think Dex Jackson is one of the only top level BBers who doesnt look overly bloated, and to be honest, fat…even though theyre 3% BF
I agree to some degree but when a 180lb ab boy, yall know the kind, uses the term do describe his hobbies I can’t help but cringe because even though I don’t have his ab development I look more the part than that motherfucker and I’m hesistant to even think of using that term.
“I’m a bodybuilder.” he states proudly. A typical beach body. No upper body taper (lack of a v-taper), no back thickness, decent chest, decent bis and tris, decent shoulders, and a complete lack of quad muscularity, and a awesome set of 13’ calves.
Yet he still proudly proclaims himself a bodybuilder. To me that term is something that is earned when, in my case, I weigh in excess of 250lbs and its blatantly obvious of what I am. Even then I will still refrain myself of using that term. Only until I’m covered in pro-tan, completely dry, and ready to step on stage.
Then only then, will I say, “I’m a bodybuilder.” Like I’ve previously stated, its another fad, another way of scoring chicks, another way of competing with your buddies to see who can move the 120lbs for 6 horribly performed reps on the flat bench, and another way of being a “badass”.
Not much to add here…