Bodybuilders Are All Weak!

I tried so hard not to enter this thread…and I did anyways. Ronnie is squatting higher than Marius, Ronnie is wearing PL gear. I have no idea who is a better squatter.

Get over it. People are stronger than people, who cares?

Why don’t you just be somebody.

[quote]cap’nsalty wrote:
I tried so hard not to enter this thread…and I did anyways. Ronnie is squatting higher than Marius, Ronnie is wearing PL gear. I have no idea who is a better squatter.[/quote]

I cant help myself either… Marius did a full squat with just wraps and a belt. He did it narrow stance and high bar. He probably traveled half way around the world to do it and no tin his own gym. I have traveled to compete before and you will lose about 10% of you strength it seems…
Add a squat suit and some other plus factors and i am sure the guy can hit close to 800lbs as is listed as his max lift on his website(780 I think).

As strong as Coleman is he did a squat that was about four to six inches high in a squat suit in his own gym. There is a big difference.

[quote]superscience wrote:
i think marius is a great stronman good for the sport brings spectators. but he ist the strongest man in the world probably the strongest most athletic man in the world not the strongest. [/quote]

Look at 2005 WSM how many max effort events were there? Not one. They were all for reps or “running around” events. How can it be WSM without one or two single rep max effort events? Add in those events and marius doesnt get all the points.

This whole “bodybuilders are weak” argument has gone a little too far. Give it a rest people!

Nobody gives a shit.

Marius is known as the worlds strongest man because he wins the contest titled ’ the worlds strongest man’. The worlds strongest man consists of more than just squatting so by right he still may be the worlds strongest man even if ronnie can squat more.

They are both strong as hell no matter what they squatted or didnt squat.

[quote]Haban wrote:
This whole “bodybuilders are weak” argument has gone a little too far. Give it a rest people!

Nobody gives a shit.[/quote]

If they gave it a rest, then no one would have anything to troll, sorry, chat, about.

[quote]Haban wrote:
This whole “bodybuilders are weak” argument has gone a little too far. Give it a rest people!

Nobody gives a shit.[/quote]

Oh yea, and before you know it, we’ll be having a ‘relative strength vs. absolute strength’ argument just like on the pl’ing boards I visit. This stuff can get so childish sometimes.

[quote]Viking69 wrote:
cap’nsalty wrote:
I tried so hard not to enter this thread…and I did anyways. Ronnie is squatting higher than Marius, Ronnie is wearing PL gear. I have no idea who is a better squatter.

I cant help myself either… Marius did a full squat with just wraps and a belt. He did it narrow stance and high bar. He probably traveled half way around the world to do it and no tin his own gym. I have traveled to compete before and you will lose about 10% of you strength it seems…
Add a squat suit and some other plus factors and i am sure the guy can hit close to 800lbs as is listed as his max lift on his website(780 I think).

As strong as Coleman is he did a squat that was about four to six inches high in a squat suit in his own gym. There is a big difference.

Max lift? Ronnie does that for reps. Bodybuilders don’t give a shit about max lifts thus changing the perspective of what you were getting at. If anything, it still makes Ronnie look good. Quit trying to make bodybuilders appear weak or half assed. We all know Marius is strong, but how many people are actively trying to make the man seem weak and “nonfunctional”? I have seen no one do this yet I see many try this shit when it comes to bodybuilders. Why? What do you get out of it?

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Viking69 wrote:
cap’nsalty wrote:
I tried so hard not to enter this thread…and I did anyways. Ronnie is squatting higher than Marius, Ronnie is wearing PL gear. I have no idea who is a better squatter.

I cant help myself either… Marius did a full squat with just wraps and a belt. He did it narrow stance and high bar. He probably traveled half way around the world to do it and no tin his own gym. I have traveled to compete before and you will lose about 10% of you strength it seems…
Add a squat suit and some other plus factors and i am sure the guy can hit close to 800lbs as is listed as his max lift on his website(780 I think).

As strong as Coleman is he did a squat that was about four to six inches high in a squat suit in his own gym. There is a big difference.

Max lift? Ronnie does that for reps. Bodybuilders don’t give a shit about max lifts thus changing the perspective of what you were getting at. If anything, it still makes Ronnie look good. Quit trying to make bodybuilders appear weak or half assed. We all know Marius is strong, but how many people are actively trying to make the man seem weak and “nonfunctional”? I have seen no one do this yet I see many try this shit when it comes to bodybuilders. Why? What do you get out of it?[/quote]

Where did I say that Ronnie is nonfunctional or weak or whatever?

Read again.

Don?t add words. I simply mentioned what Marius said his max lift was, and added obvious observations that are not so obvious to some people, due to the fact that they have never flown halfway around the world to lift weights.

Ronnie is very strong and can do a back flip and the splits(how I dont know). Ronnie did a double with 800lbs that was high in his dvd. That doesn?t mean he isn?t strong. He probably could care less about his squat depth. If he focuse on strength he would be even more of an animal.

I just could not agree with the Marius bashing, without truly analyzing his performance.

[quote]Viking69 wrote:
I just could not agree with the Marius bashing, without truly analyzing his performance.


But who is bashing Marius?

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Max lift? Ronnie does that for reps. Bodybuilders don’t give a shit about max lifts thus changing the perspective of what you were getting at. If anything, it still makes Ronnie look good. Quit trying to make bodybuilders appear weak or half assed. We all know Marius is strong, but how many people are actively trying to make the man seem weak and “nonfunctional”? I have seen no one do this yet I see many try this shit when it comes to bodybuilders. Why? What do you get out of it?[/quote]

I think what they get is pure and simple. An excuse as to why they don’t need to get big… or… an excuse for why they still don’t look like they lift weights.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

But who is bashing Marius?[/quote]

The original poster for one, and the rest of the internet bandwagon.

[quote]Deathroe wrote:
ok, before this gets all crazy, lets look at a few things. first some simple stats. Marius is 6’1" and 290 lbs. Ronnie is about 5’10" - 5’11" (although thats not what they tell you) and 320lbs or so in the off season.

thats a huge difference in height vs. weight. second, marius doesnt perform squats “only” to parallel, he performs them in a much more olympic style fashion than does ronnie, straighter back, more sitting down than back, etc. (he also goes below parallel where as from what ive seen of ronnie he barely hits parallel if at all).

and finally, this argument is redundent, they perform in different sports and shouldnt be compared as such. also if you really want to get into it, ronnie has rediculous amounts of drugs in his body, whereas marius’ has limited amounts. and by the way, the strongest man in the world is Hossein Rezazedah ;).[/quote]

marius is 6ft ronnie is 5ft11
and rezaza cud front squat 310 atg lol

Well, superscience, I will state that 90% of “bodybuilders,” are all show and no go.

Most of them spend all their time fancy pantsing around the gym, yelling and screaming while they do their reps, and if and when they get up the balls to talk to you they tell you about the show, “they almost did,” or how they are getting in shape to, “come out of nowhere and fu(k some s#it up.” But they never do it. They are nothing but gym rats with an attitude they never earn.

On the converse, I cannot recall the last time I met someone who called themself a powerlifter or strongman who did not actually compete.

Obviously, the 10% of BB’s that actually compete, or even have a clue in regards to training and are not working on the “Weider Principals” are the exception.

To state that Pudz “only squatted 310 kilos with a belt and wraps” as if that proves anything tells me that you are within the 90th percentile.


[quote]apwsearch wrote:
Well, superscience, I will state that 90% of “bodybuilders,” are all show and no go.

Most of them spend all their time fancy pantsing around the gym, yelling and screaming while they do their reps, and if and when they get up the balls to talk to you they tell you about the show, “they almost did,” or how they are getting in shape to, “come out of nowhere and fu(k some s#it up.” But they never do it. They are nothing but gym rats with an attitude they never earn.

On the converse, I cannot recall the last time I met someone who called themself a powerlifter or strongman who did not actually compete.

Obviously, the 10% of BB’s that actually compete, or even have a clue in regards to training and are not working on the “Weider Principals” are the exception.

To state that Pudz “only squatted 310 kilos with a belt and wraps” as if that proves anything tells me that you are within the 90th percentile.


im not a bodybuilder so im not in that 90%. i just started this thread to show that bodybuilders aint weak because even the trainers on here say there weak in their articles sometimes. i used ronnie and marius as an example both top of their sports and ronnie would equal him or pass him in the big three.

[quote]Viking69 wrote:
Professor X wrote:

But who is bashing Marius?

The original poster for one, and the rest of the internet bandwagon.

He didn’t bash Marius. The poster above talking about how bodybuilders are all show and no go IS bashing bodybuilders. You aren’t speaking out about this. Why?

I think you did it to stir up shit.

Do you really think if Pudz or Ronnie trained with the intent of taking it to a meet that their numbers and results would not be dramatically different form what you are presenting here?

This is not a statement in regards to who would win, but rather one of relevance.

This is a stupid fucking post.

Bodybuilders are strong because they lift weights, WSM competitors are strong because they lift weights, olympic eightlifters are strong because they lift weight, powerlifters are strong because they lift weights.

[quote]xomegaxprimex wrote:
Bodybuilders are strong because they lift weights, WSM competitors are strong because they lift weights, olympic eightlifters are strong because they lift weight, powerlifters are strong because they lift weights.[/quote]

Wow, thank you for that…

I never knew