I thought some of you might be entertained by this
Hastalles uses flaming axe! It’s not very effective.
Was planning to do a ridiculous dropset all the way down until death, but to my brutalized (and probably fume-dazed) mind the set was stopped short cause the plates fell off. I was too insane to think that I could actually take a second and put the plates back on the bar and keep going… Therefore, fuck everything and that goddamn bent bar in particular.
[quote]TRexMoney wrote:
How about cleaning up the yard? Looked like a trailer park. Your neighbors must love you bringing their property values down.[/quote]
I’m so sorry that I offended your clean freak sensibilities. Everything is orderly and in its right place there. Do you see random trash lying around? Old cars left out to rust and no one ever working on them? Piles of junk everywhere?
Mind your own fucking business.
Also, I know some wonderful people who live in trailer parks. Keep your prejudice to yourself.