Holy Crap! Well, Kids, lets have at it…The results came back as:483ng/dL>200…Well,Whutcha’ think?..
IMO your doing fine. thats above mid range and depending on time etc could be even better.
[quote]Phill wrote:
IMO your doing fine. thats above mid range and depending on time etc could be even better.
Phill: I truly appreciate you taking the time to comment on this…You have never led me wrong in the past, so I’m feeling a bit less nervous due to your observations (but don’t forget, I’m over 50, so I’m assuming you took that into account on your evaluation|:-) Thanks again
Yea, not bad for a guy in his 50’s. I would stay put and feel lucky you dont have to go HRT yet.
Alpha Male/REZ/ZMA would be perfect
[quote]Nicholas F wrote:
Yea, not bad for a guy in his 50’s. I would stay put and feel lucky you dont have to go HRT yet.
Alpha Male/REZ/ZMA would be perfect[/quote]
Nick: Already poppin’ Alpha Male(5 on 2 off, Carbolin 19 on the off days), sporadic on the ZMA & still studying the REZ-V at this point…
I’m glad the consensus so far is no HRT just yet, I’ve got enuff’ stress to deal with going on without that too!(Hell, my cortisol levels are probably through the flippin’ roof!/
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
Phill wrote:
IMO your doing fine. thats above mid range and depending on time etc could be even better.
Phill: I truly appreciate you taking the time to comment on this…You have never led me wrong in the past, so I’m feeling a bit less nervous due to your observations (but don’t forget, I’m over 50, so I’m assuming you took that into account on your evaluation|:-) Thanks again
Hey no prob man just telling you how I see it and yes thats even better for over 50.
Hell to put it in perspective thats over 10 times what my levels came back on numerous tests even taking measure/medications to correct it and Im just touching 30. Im sort of an anomoly though docs etc hadnt seen such Low T level like that of a 75 y/o nun LOL
No need to start the life of pinning or rubbing cream yet just keep an eye on things. Its a blessing thats its available but a pain to do for LIFE!!! Good you have it tested think more people should instead of guessing. Find out if they are low then why, whats the reason etc.
Best of luck keep training hard eating and resting smart and hell you’ll be making gains for another 30+yrs.
Oh not to hijack the thread just since this is kind of the first ive mentioned of my status and to ward off or answer the question before its asked No there was no prior AAS use that could have led to the prob all natural screwed up levels.
Hi, I’m 56 years old and have been on HRT for about 5 years. My test level was in the 200’s. I started androgel with one 5gm packet per day and gradually went to 3 packets per day.
However, my md and I were constantly chasing my test level to get it up to the max normal range. (its important to know that only about 10% of the androgel or testim is absorbed.)
We are now taking a minimal dose of test cypionate for 6 weeks then going on HCG for 3 weeks and then back on the test again and so on.
This is working great. Just my 2cents worth.
[quote]George R Culp wrote:
Hi, I’m 56 years old and have been on HRT for about 5 years. My test level was in the 200’s. I started androgel with one 5gm packet per day and gradually went to 3 packets per day.
However, my md and I were constantly chasing my test level to get it up to the max normal range. (its important to know that only about 10% of the androgel or testim is absorbed.)
We are now taking a minimal dose of test cypionate for 6 weeks then going on HCG for 3 weeks and then back on the test again and so on.
This is working great. Just my 2cents worth.[/quote]
George, you mentioned HCG, that is mentioned in Carlon M.Colker’s book, Extreme Muscle, he also writes for MD.
I am 58, I take androgel 5 grams a day sometimes i miss a day or use less, never more. My Test. was 4.77 or 477 but my SHBG was 11.3, where the range for that is 13- to 71.
Colker argues that sometimes using HCG temporarily will coaks the testes into making more test.Thats assuming that they are hypogonadal. So it might be that your not going to need any testosterone. See Extreme Muscle page 232.
I probably could go to a shot. But i am a bit reluctant since test. can lower your good choloesterol, the HDL also i don’t want to be horny all the time since at my age i doubt that i am going to be picking up any younger chicks, i don’t even know that i want to, I guess part of me is satisfied this way.
Let me know if the HCG helped you.
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
Holy Crap! Well, Kids, lets have at it…The results came back as:483ng/dL>200…Well,Whutcha’ think?..[/quote]
If you don’t have to take testosterone then don’t. It does have the possiblity of lower HDL, the good cholesterol, and given that your 483, ( i was 477, in march, i am 58 and doing fine in the gym) you can still build muscle. Of course being smart about it is central.
Hi Silee,
When I went to the HCG my testicles had shrunk to nothing. I took 2, 1,000 unit shots for 3 weeks and then went to 2, 2,000 unit shots for 3 weeks. During that time I took no Androgel or shots. My testicles really rebounded well.
My md and I decided to go to the shots because I wanted a total level of something slightly above the max normal which is 1100. I get a blood test next week which is the first I will have had since being on the shots. However, I can tell that my testosterone is working just by my performance in the gym and how I look. I’m taking 200mg of cypionate per week which is the minimum recommended dosage. If my level is too high we’ll cut it back.
I’ll be glad to provide you with my HDL level’s if you like (they are in my office and I’m at home right now).
We plan to cycle back and forth the shots and the HCG.
And I’m single and still chase chicks and love it.
Be well buddy,
[quote]silee wrote:
It does have the possibility of lower HDL, the good cholesterol
The oral testosterone compounds, modified to pass through the gut, then get modified by the liver to yield testosterone or a designer test create problems with HRT. The yield of these ‘drugs’ is very low, so high amounts are taken. This can overload the liver and some body builders going for high resultant testosterone levels have had HDL lowered.
However, there is not a shred of evidence that transdermal test HRT or injectables will do this. Actually, HRT, for men and women, is known to correct many cholesterol and triglyceride problems.
In my case, cholesterol went from 270’s to 206. Triglycerides went drastically down. My HDL, a high level, was unchanged, not up or down, after 2 months of 100mg test-cyp/week.
So the concern about lowered HDL levels is for abusive amounts of oral steroids that alter/harm liver function. There is good reason to expect improved HDL/LDL ratios with test HRT.
There could be a problem with test esters for body builders that are taking 10-20 times the amounts typically used for HRT. But typically those folks are taking a stack of chemicals and one might be hard pressed to suggest that any one thing is a cause.
George , yes by all means i’d love to know what your levels are. ANd thanks for being so cooperative.
Thanks again,
H Silee,
Sorry so slow getting these to you but I had to go into the office.
Anyway, here are my last lipid levels taken 9 months ago. I’m getting another set done next week.
Total Cholesterol - 162
Triglycerides - 68
HDL - 65
LDL - 83
FYI - other “heart” indicators
Homocysteine 6.2 ref. range <11.4 micromol/l
c-reative protein - <0.10 ref range <0.80 mg/dl
PSA 0.4 ref range < 4.0 ng/ml
Hope these help alleviate your concern over taking HRT and having you HDL lowered. You do have to take very large amounts for that to happen.
Be well buddy,
-George R-
The numbers look very very good, but the overall levels might be getting too low or near levels of concern.
There are some age manAGEment circles that might be getting concerned with cholesterol levels that low or lower. At such low levels, hormones levels can be eroded and heath risks in general start to increase. It might be that the health risks with such low levels of cholesterol are significantly in part the result of low steroid levels, including the sex hormones as well as DHEA/DHEAs, pregnenolone.
In some cases, successful intervention includes hormones, including DHEA and pregnenolone, but also diet changes to include more healthy fats, specifically essential fatty acids (EFAs) and with ample amounts of a good fish oil supplements. Fax seed or fax seed oil is also good, as well as walnuts, almonds and some others.
EFAs constitute the bulk of the dry mass of the brain. Cell membranes are made up of EFAs and proteins. When the diet restricts EFA’s and hydrogenated and trans fats etc are incorporated into the cell walls, cell permeability is harmed and nutrient transport suffers. Also, the hormone receptors in the cell walls are compromised or diminished. Loss of insulin receptors or sensitivity is a fundamental part of insulin resistance aka syndrome X or metabolic disorder… which also classically involves lack of testosterone and high levels of estrogen in men. A great deal is known about cell function, cell dysfunction and the nutritional supplements that improve or restore cell functionality. For those who understand that you cannot be healthier than the health of your individual cells; these are very critical concerns.
Statin drugs can create problems of this nature and also then result in low hormones and sex hormones for men and women. Statin use demands CoQ10 supplementation, but that is not widely known.
These things may not apply in you situation, but everyone should be aware of these issues and helping family and others… as many doctors do not understand or care to take action on these things.
The above is off the top of my head… after years of reading.
[quote]silee wrote:
Blacksnake wrote:
Holy Crap! Well, Kids, lets have at it…The results came back as:483ng/dL>200…Well,Whutcha’ think?..
If you don’t have to take testosterone then don’t. It does have the possiblity of lower HDL, the good cholesterol, and given that your 483, ( i was 477, in march, i am 58 and doing fine in the gym) you can still build muscle. Of course being smart about it is central.
Thanks Sil, I assure you I’m in no hurry to go to HRT!! Appreciate your input/knowledge on this issue…
[quote]KSman wrote:
Statin drugs can create problems of this nature and also then result in low hormones and sex hormones for men and women. Statin use demands CoQ10 supplementation, but that is not widely known.
The above is off the top of my head… after years of reading.
Holy Maloney! Thanx’KSman, I’m off to get a jug o’ CoQ10 ASAP!!!
[quote]George R Culp wrote:
H Silee,
Sorry so slow getting these to you but I had to go into the office.
Anyway, here are my last lipid levels taken 9 months ago. I’m getting another set done next week.
Total Cholesterol - 162
Triglycerides - 68
HDL - 65
LDL - 83
FYI - other “heart” indicators
Homocysteine 6.2 ref. range <11.4 micromol/l
c-reative protein - <0.10 ref range <0.80 mg/dl
PSA 0.4 ref range < 4.0 ng/ml
Hope these help alleviate your concern over taking HRT and having you HDL lowered. You do have to take very large amounts for that to happen.
Be well buddy,
George thanks. From your numbers i would say your in very good condition. I envy you on your good cholesterol, mine was only 31 last time out and i am taking meds like zocor and niaspan and nician and fish oil too. Although the last time my total was 89, my tri’s were like yours 68 and my LDL was 44. Now i had a by pass in 2005 so i need to have good numbers. THe cardiologist i see just today said she’s looking at what else i can do. .
YOur psa is low too, keep up the good work, your doing super!
Wow…483 and over 50…
I just got my bloodwork back and I am at the following levels:
HDL 43 >=40
LDL 61 <130
TOT 115 <200
TOT TEST 447 (245-1836)
FREE TEST 11.6 (12.4-40.0)
%FREE .3 (.2-.68)
I am also a 24year old male, was just looking through here and saw that. That is pretty bad that yours is higher…
So do you think I am able to get HRT? I know my free test is under the normal levels and the total seems in the low normal range, but seems pretty bad comparing your levels to mine…
Any reason that you know of for your cholesterol levels being this low? These levels are regarded as a health risk. I would suggest that you have DHEA-S, pregnenolone, estrogen, HDT also tested. Insome cases, changes to diet or supplements that normalize cholesterol also restore hormone levels as well.
Is your diet extreme in fat avoidance?
Are all my cholestral levels low or are you just talking about the TOT level at 115? I knew really low levels were bad but I thought that came at under 100 so I thought I still had some leeway. For most of the levels all it had was a “under this level”, not a range to be in.
Not really a reason that I can think of. Diet isn’t really extreme or avoids fat that much. I usually have a “beef and mushrooms” (sometimes with carrots too) a couple times a week for meals and before bed I have the ‘night-time snack’ per Berardi’s PN, which has natural PB, cottage cheese, and flax meal all in it. I usually try to grab a couple handfuls a day of nuts too to get my monos and polys.
Along with that I usually do a little snacking(just a little bit) so I don’t think it is that low in fat. I don’t have an exact fat gram number for you though.
I have an appt Wed with the doc again to discuss the results of the low HDL2 and low free test so I might talk to him about that too then.
The more I read about the test levels and symptoms the more I’m disappointed as it seems I have had it for many a year now…