Bloodwork/Test Levels Back

Dk, Have you had any heart problems, lack of blood to the heart or hardening of the arteries, blocked arteries? Sometimes this can be signaled by erection problems, though not all erection problems means you have heart disease.
I feel your HDL isn’t that bad, it has to be over 35. But you have to see it in relationship to the total and the LDL. I know there is one ratio of total to good, you divide the good by the total and it should be 3.4 to 4.5 or so, those numbers might be off some.
I see your testosterone as ok. Your a little low on the free. How’s is your sex life meaning either with a lover or with yourself?

Also i ve read that its in the elderly that low cholesterol is not good. As far as in the 50 to 60 age group, i am not sure. Shoot mine was 89 the last time, but i am taking a few things to help. They treat one differently when one has had a heart attack, which i did.

Good thread here. Anyone here have a link to any specfic research as to the affect of insomnia both chronic and acute to free t levels. I know LH and GFH play a role but not sure how sleep deprivation affects test production.

I have been suffering from this and my test level has dropped 37% in last 2 yrs ,I am cranky all the time, sore joints, but I dont know if my sleep is poor because my test level has dropped or if my lack of sleep has dropped my test level, my exercise and diet have been the same.

Well I haven’t had any heart problems, at least that I know of, I hope at 24 the ol’ heart and arteries aren’t that bad. I’ve ran in a couple 5k’s, relatively active, take fish oil, watch diet, etc. There hasn’t been anything heart related in family either, although my dad and grandpa both have low HDLs and generally bad blood profile. I’m a little concerned now with the low chol levels, it seems this might be a problem…

On the test level…I’ve had a suspicion for a few years now that it might be a little low due to some symptoms, and in reading now more about it (life extension foundation and other spots online) I seem to have a few more of the symptoms of low test. Hopefully something can be done about it.

[quote]BTrull wrote:
Good thread here. Anyone here have a link to any specfic research as to the affect of insomnia both chronic and acute to free t levels. I know LH and GFH play a role but not sure how sleep deprivation affects test production.

I have been suffering from this and my test level has dropped 37% in last 2 yrs ,I am cranky all the time, sore joints, but I dont know if my sleep is poor because my test level has dropped or if my lack of sleep has dropped my test level, my exercise and diet have been the same. [/quote]

Sleep deprivation (an ongoing problem, work related) is what drew me to using Alpha Male. Will it help? It can’t hurt! Try it, monitor it and see if it helps the T levels (see start of this thread for what my levels came back as at over 50) Just a suggestion…

[quote]Phill wrote:
Phill wrote:
Oh not to hijack the thread just since this is kind of the first ive mentioned of my status and to ward off or answer the question before its asked No there was no prior AAS use that could have led to the prob all natural screwed up levels.
Bro’ Phill’:Seriously, I think there is something to this whole enviromental estrogen thing…I think AI’s/SERM’s might well be the wave of the future (or I might be ready for the Art Bell show, Dunno’/:wink:

Well I got back and the doc basically said everything is fine. He wasn’t too concerned with the lower cholesteral numbers or the free test ratio.

When I asked him if there was a “too low” value to have for the cholesteral, he said not really. He said that used to be considered a risk factor but that research was based on cancer patients so it was a correlation without causation.

He said since my total test was in the normal range (although the low normal range) it didn’t matter much my free test was lower than the range it should have been in.

I pushed him a bit and he gave me another sheet for blood work and told me to do it in a month to see since it can vary day by day. So I am getting my test/estradiol checked then.

I asked him what I should be at and he said in the 600-700 range he would like for a person my age. I also said ‘So your saying I have the levels of a 50 or 60 year old’ and he said yup…

He said if this one was low too they were going to do some bigger tests on LH, FSH, and other things to try to pinpoint it, and maybe I would have to go in to do some labwork also.

I guess I was expecting to go in and he would say, here go on hrt since you are low since I have been putting up with it (IMO) so long.

Anyone disagree with what he said or other tips/suggestions?


Your doc probably isnt doing anything because your not symptomatic, of course every medical practiconer is different. My test level 2yrs ago was 671 at 38, now at 40 is 454. Once I get this chronic insomnia under control I will go from there. I know test levels vary greatly but I wonder how much , and if there is a direct relationship to overall test levels and free test, as most test is protein bound ???