Blood and Guts Dorian Yates

[quote]cyruseven75 wrote:
great video, sweet to see he is part of MD now too![/quote]

So is Robby Robinson. I am not sure at this point if it will actually make the mag better though.

MD is playing the same game a certain supplement company does (MT) when they throw all their $ in getting ‘names’ to attract customers, and usually forget quality in the process. I love Yates, and of course how can you not be a fan of Robby, but for $7 an issue, I actually liked having real info and not just stories (Shawn Ray and Valentino already give enough boring BS stories each issue for my taste)


[quote]MEYMZ wrote:
Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
MEYMZ wrote:
jehovasfitness wrote:
he was only doing 6 reps, not 8-12, could have done so much better


It was a joke, referring to the “Do pro’s always train with 8-12 reps?” thread. (at least that’s what I’m thinking)

So lol I guess, I hope it’s that.[/quote]

i was being serial, of course it was a joke

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
MD is playing the same game a certain supplement company does (MT) when they throw all their $ in getting ‘names’ to attract customers, and usually forget quality in the process. I love Yates, and of course how can you not be a fan of Robby, but for $7 an issue, I actually liked having real info and not just stories (Shawn Ray and Valentino already give enough boring BS stories each issue for my taste)


Agreed. MD was my favorite for the last few years. They just got rid of two of the people that helped make it what it was. Romano’s writings were often worth buying the mag to begin with.

Copyrighted footage, great. Sure Dorian appreciates this being out there. Why don’t you just steal $40 out of his wallet. No different than what you are doing here.

I sent an email to him about this, hopefully he can get it off the net soon.

Stuff like this pisses me off. You want to see the video bad enough, then pay the man what he is owed and buy a copy. No wonder some of these guys are so closed off about their stuff.



i want a large angry scottish or british man to follow me around and yell that shit about every single thing i do.

i guess me and Dorian have the same training stlyes, CC you never told me that.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
cyruseven75 wrote:
great video, sweet to see he is part of MD now too!

So is Robby Robinson. I am not sure at this point if it will actually make the mag better though.[/quote]

Does he still look great, he looked damn good i some pics i saw from not too long ago, and he’s no spring chicken anymore!

[quote]orangecola wrote:
Copyrighted footage, great. Sure Dorian appreciates this being out there. Why don’t you just steal $40 out of his wallet. No different than what you are doing here.

I sent an email to him about this, hopefully he can get it off the net soon.

Stuff like this pisses me off. You want to see the video bad enough, then pay the man what he is owed and buy a copy. No wonder some of these guys are so closed off about their stuff.[/quote]

Does this crappy quality video even compare to owning the DVD? I can barely tolerate watching it for more than a couple of minutes. However, I’ll wager to guess that having this video out there generates interest in his products which may increase sales for him.

Many artists and producers of content are moving towards a more open. “sharing” model of marketing themselves. How can you make a snap judgment as to how Mr. Yates feels about this? If he wants to, he can send a notice to google and they will take the video down, simple.

Since you’re so irate over copyright infringement, please send Time Warner some money. It’s quite possible that you have sung “happy birthday to you” many times over the years. If so, you will owe them their cut since they own the rights to that song.

[quote]orangecola wrote:
Copyrighted footage, great. Sure Dorian appreciates this being out there. Why don’t you just steal $40 out of his wallet. No different than what you are doing here.

I sent an email to him about this, hopefully he can get it off the net soon.

Stuff like this pisses me off. You want to see the video bad enough, then pay the man what he is owed and buy a copy. No wonder some of these guys are so closed off about their stuff.[/quote]

Go have sex (if possible).

Anyway, anyone else find this as stimulating as good porn? All that yelling about “squeeze it” and “driiiiiivvvve it”…

I had one of the old VHS copies of Blood n Guts from when it first came out and was only sold in the U.S. through Bev Francis’s gym. I remember making an exGF watch it with me (she just shook her head sadly -lol).

Anyway, I let someone borrow it, and years later, he fell off the face of the Earth… so I felt a little weird rebuying it (anyone else have this happen with a CD or something? you feel funny right?), but luckily I found a copy online and put it on my IPOD. In no way do I feel like I took money from Dorian, I paid for my initial copy.


funniest lines


keep it curling

lol greatest training partner ever…

wow great vid he packed on alot of size form 83 to 86 it’s like he jumped into some body elses body

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:


i want a large angry scottish or british man to follow me around and yell that shit about every single thing i do.

i guess me and Dorian have the same training stlyes, CC you never told me that.[/quote]


You have a similar split (He used a somewhat altered version for a long time) if you still follow that one 3-way.

So… Are you as big as Dorian yet? :slight_smile:

[quote]jzzz wrote:
wow great vid he packed on alot of size form 83 to 86 it’s like he jumped into some body elses body[/quote]

Well unlike the pros of today bodybuilding was a full time job to Yates.

There was no rest after a competition, no week or 2 eat what you want, every day was recorded and used to put on muscle.

He was THE ultimate pro, he used to be called “The Shadow” as after every comp he would disappear and not be seen till the next competition where everyone would agree they were fighting for 2nd place :stuck_out_tongue:

He was he best, add to that he is English makes him my No. 1 bodybuilder.

What a man.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:


i want a large angry scottish or british man to follow me around and yell that shit about every single thing i do.

i guess me and Dorian have the same training stlyes, CC you never told me that.


You have a similar split as the one he used for a long time if you still follow that one 3-way.

So… Are you as big as Dorian yet? :slight_smile:

LOL some hope :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]cyruseven75 wrote:
Professor X wrote:
cyruseven75 wrote:
great video, sweet to see he is part of MD now too!

So is Robby Robinson. I am not sure at this point if it will actually make the mag better though.

Does he still look great, he looked damn good i some pics i saw from not too long ago, and he’s no spring chicken anymore!

Dorian looks ok if thats who you were talking about. I saw him 6-7 months ago and he was talking to people around him that he was going back to the gym a.s.a.p. so i would imagine he has shed the extra b.f. he was carrying round last year.

What does he write about in M.D. i normally buy flex (dont mock :p) but might switch to MD

[quote]orangecola wrote:
Copyrighted footage, great. Sure Dorian appreciates this being out there. Why don’t you just steal $40 out of his wallet. No different than what you are doing here.

I sent an email to him about this, hopefully he can get it off the net soon.

Stuff like this pisses me off. You want to see the video bad enough, then pay the man what he is owed and buy a copy. No wonder some of these guys are so closed off about their stuff.[/quote]

Welcome to the internet.

[quote]Grey Rainbow wrote:
orangecola wrote:
Copyrighted footage, great. Sure Dorian appreciates this being out there. Why don’t you just steal $40 out of his wallet. No different than what you are doing here.

I sent an email to him about this, hopefully he can get it off the net soon.

Stuff like this pisses me off. You want to see the video bad enough, then pay the man what he is owed and buy a copy. No wonder some of these guys are so closed off about their stuff.

Welcome to the internet.[/quote]


Dorian has got a online personal training service off his website for a $200 fee. Sounds like you basically answer a ton of questions and show him a pic of yourself… he lays out a program for you… you follow it… and he checks on your progress weekly.

I think that could be cool… just to be coached by a former pro like that. Even just communicating with him in anyway would be cool… me thinks. Might even be worth the money in and of itself.

[quote]krazykoukides wrote:
Dorian has got a online personal training service off his website for a $200 fee. Sounds like you basically answer a ton of questions and show him a pic of yourself… he lays out a program for you… you follow it… and he checks on your progress weekly.

I think that could be cool… just to be coached by a former pro like that. Even just communicating with him in anyway would be cool… me thinks. Might even be worth the money in and of itself.[/quote]

He’s probably hustling you. But if you try it, let us know how it goes.