Bloated Face

I’m on a bulking phase at the moment but not happy with what I see when I look in the mirror.
I used to have sharp chisled features with a strong jawline, thats all gone now.

How do I bulk up without the fat face?
Should I do more cardio to keep the fat gain to a minimum?
Are there any supplements that might help? How about HOT-ROX??

Unless you are on “supplements” to accomplish your bulking goals, the fat face is the result of water retention. The water retention is caused by a diet high in carbs. You could cut the carbs, but then your bulk would not be as effective. When you finish your bulk and go back on a normal diet the water weight will go away and you will go back to being a handsome bugger.

try the anabolic diet. There is a huge thread about it in the nutrition section.

[quote]kurmatt wrote:
try the anabolic diet. There is a huge thread about it in the nutrition section.[/quote]

Excellent point Kurmatt…

I second the advice from apayne.

It is a sacrifice (bloating), but necessary for a good bulker.