height: 179cm
weight: 97kilograms
training exp: 8 years
im planning on B&C,
im thinking of blast cuirse blast pct?
WEEK 1 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK 2 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK 3 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK 4 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK 5 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK 6 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK 7 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK 8 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK 9 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK10 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK11 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK12 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK13 = 250MG SUST E10D
WEEK14 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK15 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK16 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK17 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
WEEK18 = 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
pct after last injection 2x half life
clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25
nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
what do u guys think? first time i do B&C , i misunderstood something here?
I cruise to long or ? spilt that cruise in 2, and blast three times?
like ?
BLAST - cruise - BLAST- cruise - BLAST?
cruise 250mg sust e10d
blast 500MG SUST E3D - NPP 200MG E3D
July 30, 2013, 4:01pm
This is not thought at all. Your missing the whole point of blast and cruise. Personally I would skip your cruise and just combine the weeks to run a standard 14 week cycle.
you will see better results than what you have laid out.
Week 1-10
500mg Sust
400 NPP
Week 11-14
500 Sust
18 weeks is not a blast and cruise its just standard cycle that you cut your drugs in half as soon as they actually start working. Its stupid. Blast and cruise is essentially meant for guys who are not EVER coming off and are ok with that.
This is my schedule not the only way but, how I do varies slightly as approach a meet may add a Drol or Halo maybe both.
12-16 week Blast ( High Test / Tren/ GH
4-6 week Cruise ( 500mg Test/ GH)
12-16 week Blast ( High Test/ Deca/ Eq/ GH )
4-6 week Cruise ( 500mg Test )
Reapeat over and over see the difference.
July 30, 2013, 3:59pm
Drop the blend, Get Test E. No need for PCT IF your Blasting and cruising indefinitely. 8 weeks blast, 2 week cruise will be fine.
Also E10D is to far apart. For cruising, If using Test E, hit it every Mon and Fri, or Tues and Sat, or so. 125mg a shot.
Get your ancillaries, (A-dex, liver support, etc…) Get blood work if you can, watch your E2 Levels.
Hopefully someone with more knowledge will Chime in (Walkaway, PTD)
Also, While Blasting, Eat Clean but plenty, and train like tomorrow you have to fight the world.
ok thanks for info guys.
i think i will do a normal cycle. sust/npp/t3
and do blast n cruise later in life.
im thinking of :
1-12 250mg sust e3d
1-12 200mg npp e3d
and t3 like this 25/50/50/50/50/50/50/25 over 8 weeks
sorry for bad english. hope its fine
Why not? i will be lean gaining, and like t3 in this combo, what do u think? whats the downsites?
July 30, 2013, 4:42pm
If you cant lean gain on the cycle above your diet is shit and the T3 wont help any ways. Just don’t see the point. But your cycle I guess.
changed things a little
1-12 250mg sust e3d
1-12 200mg npp e3d
pct -
clomid 50/50/50/50/
nolva 40/40/20/20/
and 5-6 months after i will use my t3 with test p
as a cut cycle.
1-8 100mg test p eod
t3 25/50/50/50/50/25
same pct
Think i have posted this twice, just delete other one mod.
Changed things a little
1-12 250mg sust e3d
1-12 200mg npp e3d
later i will do test p with my t3
1-8 100mg test p eod
1-8 t3 25/50/50/50/50/50/50/25