I’m planning my second cycle and got carried away hording gear. Here’s what we’re working with:
7.5g test
6g mast (prop/e blend)
2g oral Winny
2.5g anadrol
Clomid, nolva, hcg, aromasin on hand
How would you guys prefer to run all this? I’d like to stick to 500/500 test/mast as a base but I’m open to any suggestions. How would you guys run this? I don’t want to go full-bore blast and cruise but 5 months total plus a stasis taper probably wouldn’t kill my hpta. I’m thinking either:
16 weeks of 500 test with 500 drol wk 1-4, 500 mast wk 5-16 and 350 Winny wk 11-16.
Two eight week cycles, one test/mast/drol, one test/mast/Winny with two full pcts and a short break between. Orals would be for 6 of the 8 weeks. (I’d need more ancillaries)
Blast 4 weeks test/mast/drol, cruise 4-6 weeks, blast 4 weeks test/mast/low dose drol/low Winny, cruise 4-6 weeks, blast test/mast/Winny. Stasis, taper. (may need more test, could skip the stasis/taper and go with a single pct.
Each configuration would focus on bulking initially, then maintaining, then cutting toward the end. I feel like the blast and cruise would be the most beneficial and tied with the 16 week cycle for expense. Two eight week cycles is probably the worst option for gains, expense and recovery but maybe I’m mistaken. Thanks for looking.
Just do one twelve week cycle. Save whatever gear you’ll have left over for another run down the line. I do not know why the fuck you’re talking about doing mini blasts and cruises. Test and mast, use the drol as a kick start and run a bit of winny at the end.
The 16 week option is pretty close to what I have planned for my next cycle. I think it is far less stressful on the body to go a bit slower and longer as we age. Focus on good diet, joint/ligament support, and good training protocols and your gains should be really good.
For me AAS are just one more training tool. After getting disgusted with trying to get effective trt treatment, I just realized AAS would be easier and cheaper. A true joke of socialized medicine if there ever was one.
I will never win a contest or wish too for that matter, I just want to be able to train and recover so I can enjoy life.
From reading your posts, I suspect you are the same.
I’m not crazy about appearance. I have to eat too much to hold over 200lbs at 5’7-8’ and I have to get down into the 170s to be below 10% fat - a body weight where my strength starts to tank and I frankly don’t feel like a man. I’m not the strongest guy in the gym but the only people who regularly best me, pound for pound, are nationally competitive. The plan is to go in lean, recover the weight I gained on my last cycle, hold onto that for a while while it stabilizes, then trim the fat. Since my first cycle ended I’ve had a child and bought a house.
I haven’t had nearly the energy to invest in training as hard as I should for a proper pct. The “mini blast and cruise” seems like the best option for the plan I outlined but I still feel I’m too young, and have a lot more to gain before I can justify a real trt/blast and cruise.
[quote]incredulous wrote:
I’m not crazy about appearance. I have to eat too much to hold over 200lbs at 5’7-8’ and I have to get down into the 170s to be below 10% fat - a body weight where my strength starts to tank and I frankly don’t feel like a man. I’m not the strongest guy in the gym but the only people who regularly best me, pound for pound, are nationally competitive. The plan is to go in lean, recover the weight I gained on my last cycle, hold onto that for a while while it stabilizes, then trim the fat. Since my first cycle ended I’ve had a child and bought a house.
I haven’t had nearly the energy to invest in training as hard as I should for a proper pct. The “mini blast and cruise” seems like the best option for the plan I outlined but I still feel I’m too young, and have a lot more to gain before I can justify a real trt/blast and cruise.[/quote]
Short cycle, higher dose. I would not run test less than a gram. If your hairline can handle in then half that in mast on top and the drol thrown in will do great. I would personally throw the whinny but that’s just me, what can I say I like my tendons strong and healthy.
I like this last one “Blast 4 weeks test/mast/drol, cruise 4-6 weeks, blast 4 weeks test/mast/low dose drol/low Winny, cruise 4-6 weeks, blast test/mast/Winny. Stasis, taper.”
Though I’d do 6 weeks on, 5 cruising, 6 on, + stasis/pct. I think it’s healthier than 16-17 weeks on straight. I’ve never done this before (blast & cruise), I usually did 10-12 weekers, but since I plan on getting back on in May, summer is where I want to be on - for the ladies and since I love to train more in that period.
I usually started my cycles from the end of June, but this year I want to be on for a longer period, like you. And I decided it’d be better health wise, and probably almost as efficient, to blast + cruise + blast than a longer cycle. Who knows though? Like you I’m open to suggestions.
Regardless if you do 16 weeks straight or blast/cruise your still gonna be shut down for the same amount of time, me i would run one cycle but if the blast/cruise is what you want to do I say cruise with the test E ( in assuming that’s what you have) then blast with prop/mast/ and an oral
I agree we’re still shutdown pretty much the same, but RBC, dopamine, and other hormonal sides are lessened. Though it’s probably subtle in the way I plan it. I mean even pros blast & cruise. They don’t go full blast all the time, even though their cruise is higher than some of our cycles.
If its your second cycle and you want the max with what you have I would say save what you can but try this:
Test 500mg/week for 12 weeks
winny/weeks 8-12
if your going to kick start with that cycle and run another oral at the end try something like tbol rather than adrol.
but if its your 2nd cycle you should be fine with only a test base and one oral.