[quote]Vicomte wrote:
[quote]bigmac73nh wrote:
Cheating on a diet is just a lack of willpower. It’s nobody’s fault but yours, and if you don’t hold yourself accountable it will continue to happen.
If you’re undereating for your training regimen and it’s adding up and hurting recovery, go for a weekly clean refeed/carb up or something. But I’m sorry, I have no sympathy for diet failure. Especially when your"diet" allows sausages and steak.[/quote]
While true, sometimes your body really does pull the proverbial fast one on you.
I was PSMFing once, woke up in the middle of the night, and started pounding junk food before I really knew what hit me.
I think we all know those times when your brain says ‘FEED MEEEEEEE’ and then you have to talk it down.
‘Why yes, we are hungry, aren’t we? I understand that we haven’t consumed any energetic nutrients in the past five days, but we have eaten enough protein to prevent catabolization of muscle tissue, fuel essential processes of the immune system and structural repair, and met our EFA needs, not to mention supplemented with the requisite vitamins and minerals. We have enough adipose tissue to survive for quite a long time at this rate, and we’d really like to lean up a bit. Sounds good yeah?’
Later on:
Happens to the best of us.[/quote]
Lol. Yes, wanting to eat shitty food happens to everyone. I’m cutting now and I had a vivid dream about cheeseburgers a couple nights ago. Did I act on it? No. I ate an extra meal of steak/brown rice yesterday and got some extra nutrients in and kept it clean.
Taking a clean refeed vs cheating hard is the difference between waking up holding some water/ having an awesome workout due to the leverage boost/taking up better than ever the next day vs. setting yourself back half a week.