Biotest Protein Newbie Question

I feel like such a d-bag asking this…

I’m having trouble figuring out the difference between Grow! Whey, Metabolic Drive, and Metabolic Drive Complete.

Grow! Whey and Metabolic Drive have roughly the same carb value, is it a matter of the quality of the protein? Grow! Whey has more cholesterol, sodium and calories than Metabolic Drive, but around the same cholesterol, sodium and calories as Metabolic Drive Complete.

The Metabolic Drives are more expensive, if they’re higher quality then why is Grow! Whey being used just as often in the PCs right now (aside from gus)?

I’m guessing that for a college kid on a budget that Grow! Whey is the best bet… I’m not really looking to cut anytime soon and I trust Biotest’s quailty.

Help me out?

Metabolic Drive has micellar casein. Grow! Whey does not.


Grow! Whey is a whey protein while Metabolic Drive is a casein.

Whey = immediate digestion
Casein = “time-release” digestion

Look into them so that you have a functional knowledge about what you’re putting into your body.

Casein protein as in Metabolic Drive digests much slower. It is an excellent, pre-bed meal. Possibly the best. Grow! Whey is just whey isolate and concentrate. Much faster digesting. Great during the day if you need a quick and convenient protein source and/or are having trouble meeting your protein needs. But in my opinion, you’re best with whole food if you can get what you need out of that. Metabolic Drive is great for anyone pre-bed. Probably better than any whole food source when used along with a good fat source.

Glad you asked that question, I was wondering myself but didn’t want to be a d-bag :slight_smile:

Don’t any of you read the ingredients?

thanks guys! yeah I just skimmed the nutritional facts, i shudda read the ingredients. yeah I know about casein and whey, thanks for pointing it out though! exactly what i was looking for

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
Casein protein as in Metabolic Drive digests much slower. It is an excellent, pre-bed meal. Possibly the best. Grow! Whey is just whey isolate and concentrate. Much faster digesting. Great during the day if you need a quick and convenient protein source and/or are having trouble meeting your protein needs. But in my opinion, you’re best with whole food if you can get what you need out of that. Metabolic Drive is great for anyone pre-bed. Probably better than any whole food source when used along with a good fat source.[/quote]

good answer mate… you should be drinking protein only as a supplement to a good diet man! but you are at college judging by your previous posts, and american college food i have heard isnt always the best… thus something like Metabolic Drive would be better for you since you can have it pre-bed and thats where your protein should be most effective… once you get into that cycle, and dont have protein shakes during the day, then you do see progress… thats they way i have found anyway… test it and see!

Yeah I’ve gotten pretty good lately at skipping the dining halls in favor of cooking up eggs, chicken breast, and tuna at the dorm. I’ll definitely try to ween off of the midday protein shakes, though they are convenient for between classes. But yeah I should probably be downing casein before bed instead of regular whey…

What exactly is the difference between Low-carb Metabolic Drive and Metabolic Drive Complete.

And yes “Low-Carb” is an obvious one.

But, when you compare the ingredients labels, Metabolic Drive Complete has 6 sources of protein versus Low-Carb Metabolic Drive’s 3.

Would it technically be better to ingest the 6 sources, as it covers more bases? Or does it even matter?

use the search function man… Metabolic Drive Complete is meant as a meal replacement, Low-Carb Metabolic Drive is meant as a protein supplement, NOT as a meal replacement…

Low-Carb Metabolic Drive = Slow digesting protein that you want to take throughout the day to get a steady stream of aminos.

Metabolic Drive Complete = As I understand it it has the same protein as low carb stuff but has carbs. This is good if you are looking for a meal replacement. It gives you the convienence of not having to add carbs to Low-Carb Metabolic Drive.

Grow! Whey is to be used when you want to get aminos into your system quick ie directly after training. This is not a good choice as a meal replacement because it will not curdle in your stomach giving you the feeling of being full.