Bill Starr

In one of Bill Starr’s training programs, he has a four day split (MTWF) where you are doing bench (progressive 5x5) and incline dumbbell press (2x20) on Monday, overhead presses on Tuesday, and incline barbell press (progressive 5x5) on Wednesday. I have a lot of respect for the man but isn’t this a lot of pressing three days in a row, even with only one real work set on the 5x5’s? I don’t want to develop imbalances, but for the most part I like the rest of his program, in particular the 3 squat sessions per week (heavy/light/med).

I used his 3 day a week program with a lot of success early on. I never used the four day training program as i thought that would be too much pressing. Just as you said.

Give the training program a shot and then in the next phase of your training, prioritize deadlifts, rows, external rotations and rear delt laterals too bring up the upper back and external rotators.

Starr let’s you do a lot of deadlifts high pulls and powercleans as wel if I remember correct. He usually throws in a couple of sets of rows as an assistance exercise as well. This should take care of your backside.