I am a NYC Fireman. And we get random drug tested. I am curious, would Mag-10 cause a civil servant (firmene, cops, military personnel etc) to fail a drug test.
I always wanted to try Androsol and Nandrosol, but was afraid becuase I remember you saying once, that Nandrosol would cuase someone to fail a drug test for Deca, and that one can fail a drug test for Androsol because of contamination of norandro in the manufacturing process.
Thank you
I believe I read on another post where Bill said this won’t be a problem. Plus, I doubt you’re tested for roids, just pot and stuff like that. Roid test are very hard to do and very expensive. If I were you I’d just ask. I’m quite sure you have the right to know what you’re tested for. Just say, “What am I being tested for?” If they look at you funny (and who gives a shit if they do?), just say, “I sometimes take legal over the counter supplements too boost performance and I want to make sure that none of them could cause a false positive.”
On a side note, I know a few cops who’ve used Nandrosol and some who use steroids and none ever had any problems on drug tests.
Personally, if I were trapped in a burning building I’d want a big juice monkey to break down the door and help me out!
hey Chris, thanks for the reply and info. I have alot of firemen and cop friends, and we have tried to find the answer to what we are tested for. The best answer we have gotten is, any illegal drug could be tested, which therefore includes steroids. The problem with getting an answer, is that the people who watch you take the piss, isnt the people who is testing the piss. They send that stuff out to a private lab, so these guys who work in those details havent a clue whats going on, only that pee in the cup, and dont get it on the sides of the cup. So, we just opted out of pro-hormones for now, just in case, but if Mag-10 wont make one fail a drug test, and is DHT and estrogen side effect free, that we are up for it.
Can you tell me where Bill posted this info on whether Mag-10 will cause a test failure? I tried the seach engine and cant find anywhere where Bill mentions that topic. Thank you.
Can’t recall where he wrote that. You might try a name search. Watch T-mag for the next few weeks and I’m sure an official answer to that question will come up.
Again, I tell you that you have the right to know what you’re being tested for. I’m not sure who to ask though. Remember the stink employee drug testing caused when it first started, invasion of privacy, individual freedoms etc? At the very least, you have the right to know what they’re using your piss for. Maybe it’s in the small print of a contract or something.
You might want read the three part interview called “Attorney for the Defense” at T-mag. The contact info there may help you out.
Still, I can almost guarantee that steroids aren't tested for unless you happen to be employed by the NFL. And given the expense of testing, I've heard of a few companies who only send off some samples for testing. The rest is used as a scare tactic. Or maybe they'll just send off for the test on those they suspect. Still, I understand your concern since your job could be on the line. Hopefully you'll find an answer. But it starts with knowing what's being tested for.
I know a few prison guards in the new york are that use androsol, and finasol, and I questioned them about drug tests. they said that the gov. only cares about narcotics, and drugs of that nature, but at the same time I dont blame you for being worried, there as to be a code of conduct manual or something that could give you better info.
Hey NYCFIREMAN-glad to see by your post that youre ok-I retired from NYPD last year(3/4’s)after 16 years-my best friend was a lt.at Lefrak Plaza and basically was in charge of all NYPD randomn drug tests-here is the skinny on what he told me.The city of New York usually hires company’s by whoever has the lowest bid-but when they randomnally test a NYPD PO they are testing for coke,weed,heroin,etc(recreational drugs)these tests for these drugs are cheap and a whole lot can be done-the test to determine anabolic Steroids is so expensive(gas chromo.) that it would be quite impossible to test alll the tests that they give randomly(up to 40 per week)…Now if you are being tested for cause that is a different ball of wax because you know that someone dimmed you and they know what they are looking for and yes NYPD has done steroid tests on some P.o.s-why would they test for cause-you get caught dealing roids(yes some idiots in the PD have done this)a spouse or loved one rats you out and then IAB knows what they are looking for…I know P.O’s that are juiced to the gills get randomnly tested and pass with flying colors(even hair testing) because they are not using recreational drugs-so honestly I don’t think you would have to worry about Mag-10,Androsol,Nandro…just in case any forum members slam cops for using juice and locking people up for drugs-let me tell you the dudes locking people up for steroids probably aren’t local cops-more likely DEA,or specialized narcotic cops.In 16 years in Manhattan,and the bronx(i was a very active cop) I can’t remenber a single cop locking up a steroid dealer-we usually didn’t come across to many juice dealers or users-but I do remeber one time coming across numerous vials of Test Cyp-sos 250 when we raided an illegal cock fight…
I guess it differs state to state, but I doubt any public saftey department would routinely screen for androgens. When they do these tests they are expensive (usually have to be shipped out to a different lab) and are done “for cause” meaning you put on 30lbs of muscle and are throwing things (like people) out of windows. I have never heard of a pre-employment or random screening for such things. Even if you test positive, you should be contacted by a medical officer and have a chance to explain yourself ie. tell him that you are taking a legal substance.
Thanks for the feedback and great info. I am glad to hear from Chris that in the coming weeks this issue will be answered offically.
My real worry isnt whether they test for steroids, but if they do test, for some reason, would MAG-10 test as a false postive.
I remember reading once, that Nandrosol would make one show a false postive for Decca. And that Androsol would make one test a false postive for Decca, not because of 1-AD but because of contamination with Nor-1-AD.
The reason I say I am not worried if they test for steroids is becuase the offical answer I received is they can test for anything illegal, which includes steroids. So that option is always open to them for whatever reason. So, they may or may not test for steroids at a particular time, but that can change in a heartbeat, since it is something they are allowed test for.
I would just hate to take a legal over the counter supplement bought at GNC, and then someone tell me I am fired for using steroids, and I am not.Its like those horrifying stories you heard that someone used Hemp oil then got fired for smoking weed.
NY Police Officer, you went 3/4? I hope you are OK. Good time to be off, with all this shit going on in our city. Be well and stay safe brother.
I am also NYPD. Great hearing from you. You are not an ex, in my eyes you are a brother in blue forever.
I think you guys are right here. I have never used pro-hormones becuase I am a bit scared they may show as I am using steroids. Got results from Tribex, and Methoxy-7.
But i also feel the city is too cheap to pay for all these tests to be preformed on a little cup of piss. The second cup, is used only as a back up in case you do test postive for something.
But, I dont think, with that amount of piss, they can test for coccaine, pot, heroine and then also use that same sample to test for your hormone levels or metabolites.
I too cant wait for T-mag and Biotest but to answer that question like Chris says they will in a few weeks.
Yeah got out 3/4’s last year but still have tons of friends in PD and Fd unfortunately lost a few great friends as well NYC lost about 400 true hero’s-when I got out tore my bicep from bone-trying to avoid getting hit by an out of control car-had surhery to repair and connect tendon-messed up my pronation and supination and being my gun hand they didn’t want to have a liability with screws in his arm working-really wouldn’t worry unless they test you for cause and then even then OTC products are ok they would have to prove it was a steroid and that would be to damn expensive for thr city-be safe.
Hey Brother, yeah the city lost so many true heroes that horrible day. So horrible to see when you go down to Ground Zero and see the carnage that occured. Pictures dont show the magnitude of what happened. So sad when you do find a firefighter, and now, what we think may be remains of cops (we havent found one body of a PO yet, we just have found a gun and pieces of guns from a S&W, so the remains they find nearby the weapon, they presume may be a PO) and everyone stops and salutes, is really heart breaking. I just shudder to think what the future holds now.
Thanks for the info. I hope your injury isnt so severee to hold you from doing the things you love to do or have chronic pain. Feel weel, and you and your family be safe.