New to T-Nation, been training for about 2 years, mostly BBing bodypart splits. Tired of being weak, looking to gain all around strength.
18yo, 200 lbs, roughly 14 pct bf
Will be following a slightly modified version of the “Basic Strength Training Program” from Brooks Kubik’s Dinosaur Training book.
Program is as follows:
Day one=
Bottom Position Squat Singles, 5 sets, working up to a 1RM
Quarter Squats, sets of 3, working up to max set.
Deadlifts, 5x5. Last set Max Effort
Biceps/Grip Work
Ab work
Day two=
DB Clean and Press, 5x5, last 3 sets Max Effort
BB Rows, 4x6
Floor Press Lockouts, working up to 3 ME singles
DB Turkish Get Ups, 3 reps a side
Day three/four= OFF
Day Five=
Rack Pulls from knee, working up to 2 sets of 3 reps ME
Squats 5x5, working up to last set ME
Bicep/Grip Work
Day Six=
DB Bench, sets of 5 working up to ME
Chins, 5x5
Overhead Press, forehead to lockout, ME singles
DB Turkish get ups, 3 a side
Day seven= off
Max Lifts=
Squat= 305
Goals= Squat 315 for reps
Deads=315 for reps
Bench=215, then 225