bigger squats then deads

Meat, try box squating, westside style. your squat will go up quick. Sure it quite a different movt (wider stance, sitting back to parallel, but shit, you’ll lift more! (its a good enuf arguement for me :slight_smile: )
Box squating should bring your squat up anyway, just by teaching you to stay tight at the bottom and breaking the ecc/concentric movts.

Ceaze: although i’m not arguing with you, that’s hardly a convincing reason :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It doesn’t matter if your Squat> Dead or vice versa. Some people squatters and some are pullers and a few are both. If it bothers you, work the weaker lift more.

Whetu … I’ve been doing WS for ~11 wks and love it …

after reading some more articles I dont think I was wide enuff … Ill be sure to go wider now and im sure my squat will greatly increase…

thx bro

Whetu, then take it up with all the guys at elitefts

I’ve been deadlifting since march and pull into the 500’s but i’ve been box squatting for 1.5 yrs and its still quite low. Some people are just predisposed to be better at some lifts than others.

I’m starting Westide in two weeks and can’t wait! I for one, have a much better dead than squat (450 dead, 280-300 ATG squat). I use a very narrow stance when squatting (a little less than shoulder-width-apart) so it will be interesting to see what my squat numbers are using a Power stance and just going to parallel.

I’ve always been stronger in DL then squat. Before i started WS (four month ago) my squat was 160 Kg and my DL was 210 Kg. My squat is up to 195 Kg, don’t know my Dl but I did 220 for three reps in rackpull, bar app. 10 cm below knee last week.

Why worry about your lifts?? Just lift and get stronger, some people are built for squat, some for DL.

My opinion is that if you squat to parallel, properly on every rep, and get 385 x 5, then there is definitely something wrong with your deadlift form. 385 x 5 is certainly nothing to scoff at… some people can train for years and not get to that level. Be it that squats and deadlifts have a lot in common, it seems that something would have to be lacking in either your form, or your DL chain. Where does your problem lie with DLs? Where do you fail? Do you have problems out of the hole (the bottom portion of the lift) or with locking out the top portion?


i deadleft much more than i squat, but that has more to do with my recent back injury. but, when healthy, i could squat and deadlift about the same, raw and with equipment.

in the world of competitive powerlifting, the squats far surpass the deadlift probably because of all the super supportive gear worn today for the squat. the monolift and westside perfecting the ultra wide squat stance has also something to do with it.

i hear this question a lot, when someone asks why they squat more than they deadlift, i usually ask how far down they squat, they all say “parallell” or better, but when i get them into a gym and see how far the REALLY squat down, it is not anywhere near paralell in my opinion.

your dead should be about the same or a little better than your RAW, DEEP squat. if not, you are probably cutting your squats high.

“your dead should be about the same or a little better than your RAW, DEEP squat. if not, you are probably cutting your squats high.”

This is too generalized a statement.

Leaner people do generally deadlift more than they squat. People with a “hamburger” shaped body generally squat more than they can deadlift (even without a squat suit). There are also plenty of exeptions to these generalities. A tall lean person with very short arm might have a terrible deadlift. A fat guy with very long arms might be able to pull damn well. Everyone has different biomechanics so everyone will have differing squat/dead ratios.

I’ve also noticed that it is more common for someone to have terrible squat form than deadlift form. After several years correcting their squat form (and still going below
parallel) even a lean person can eventually squat (without a squat suit) more than they can deadlift.