Big Phat Update!

In this week’s T-mag:

Balls Gone Dry
by TC

Different Destinations, Different Journeys
by Christian Thibaudeau

7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs by John M. Berardi

Win Free Supplements: Enter the “Raid the Store” Giveaway!
by the staff

Rhode Island Recap: The 2003 ACSM Fall Conference
by Eric Cressey

Beat Our Caption!

Warrior Nerds Fight Back
by the T-mag Readers, compiled by TC

News and Reader Mail

Check out the “Buy 2 Get 2 Free” deals at the Superstore!

Click here for issue #291!

Okay, we made one of those up, but you’ll have to figure out which one. <<

So you’re not really giving away water bottles?

Great articles all around this week guys.

One I would like to stress is the JB article. I am in hope that all will take the time to read and digest this concept of nailing down the basics in reference to nutrition. I feel it could have a great effect on the amount of confusion and bickering that has been apparent as of late throughout the post on the training /nutrition forumn.

I feel it is an indispensible tool to any newbie. It gives us all a simple place to send them to get a solid base to start on , without overloading them with info. Perhaps this artice should have a permanent link or be added to the frequently asked questions section.


new tribex has 110 caps

#2 on the hot rox’s big hot ten is do not restrict calories to much

Increases the activity of the metabolic tissues associated with sexual function by a whopping 60%!

the second to last shirt is the Testosterone T-shirt

Honestly, I printed out JB’s seven points and stuck it in my diet log. I need to work with those basics, as I have been going through “hell” (worse than that) to cut down on carbs (I just found out today that I REALLY need my heavy doses of fruits and veggies or I am too tired to even work out) and other whacked out diet tips that drive me up the wall (way too many to name…).