Old thread filled up.
This is what I did last night.
Bench accessories
PVC w/suspended DB
2bd bench
5x5 225
tbar bow
db curls
band pressdown
Old thread filled up.
This is what I did last night.
Bench accessories
PVC w/suspended DB
2bd bench
5x5 225
tbar bow
db curls
band pressdown
I like the name of the new thread. Of course it’s true.
1x3 255 +80# chain
1x3 285 +80# chain
3x3 315 +80# chain
sumo dl
5x3 275
meh x meh
rev hyper
meh x meh
kind of rejuvenated about training. start my squat rebuild a week from Sunday. My friend, teammate (and gym owner) will be manning our booth at the Olympia this weekend.
Great thread title. Have you ever noticed that for the most part large, strong, muscular people are not the victims of most crimes like mugging, robbery, murder and such. Hmm…I wonder why.
4x5 215
1x10 215
tbar row
band pressdown
Birthday bench accessories. turn 53 today.
kids brought me cinnamon rolls to the gym
pvc bar w/suspended db
2bd bench
5x5 225
tbar rows
db curls
band pressdown
"Nice work. Good to see someone who isn’t going gently into that good night.
Keep kicking ass and taking names! "
Will do. Keep up the good work with that great bunch of lifters you have.
A plea was made at Rotary club lunch last week for the club to send a 12 man team to pull an airplane in a charity event. Not enough guys were agreeable, only me and a 40 something lifting pharmacist. Missed my chance.
Happy belated birthday!
1x3 190
1x3 215
2x3 240
1x8 240
cgbp 2bd
1x10 185
1x10 205
1x10 225
tbar row
band pressdown
2bd was normally standard grip. went close grip to have some fun. played around with weights. should’ve gone @ 225 for all 3. will know next time. had bencher (mark hauschildt) watch my bench reps. my form has definitely improved as my shoulders have gotten healthy.
meet with teammate (coach) next sunday to address squat. will hold off DL for now, or at least go light. have a hunch my education will help my pull, too.
Late but a happy 53 to you. Good to see your bench is doing well and your shoulders are healthy.
bench accessories
pvc w/db suspended
2 bd
5x5 230
tricep death (narrow grip, no rack bar until last rep finished)
1x5 to chest 135#
1x5 to 1bd
1x5 to 2bd
1x5 to 3bd
1x5 to 2bd
1x5 to 1bd
1x5 to chest
tbar row
band pressdown
HMB rep came in. He’s located in the area. He brought shorts, t-shirts and supps. They may to sponsor some, or get behind the entire gym, since we are local.
Came home, ate and went back in couple hours later to meet with squat whisperer. I am out from under a bar for the time being. I have ankle mobility issues and need to work on glute activation. I also have tight thoracic spine.
Did BW squats and BW squats with elevated heels.
For the time being. Will goblet squat 2x/week. Can go back under bar when can hit 5x10 w/60# to depth for all reps. Will be wearing my oly shoes until mobility improves. Will also be doing SLDL w/DBs along with goblet squats. Have list of mobility movements to do.
[quote]hawkcapt1912 wrote:
went back in couple hours later to meet with squat whisperer. I am out from under a bar for the time being. I have ankle mobility issues and need to work on glute activation. I also have tight thoracic spine.
Did BW squats and BW squats with elevated heels.
For the time being. Will goblet squat 2x/week. Can go back under bar when can hit 5x10 w/60# to depth for all reps. Will be wearing my oly shoes until mobility improves. Will also be doing SLDL w/DBs along with goblet squats. Have list of mobility movements to do.
Very interesting to read about. What, exactly, was wrong with your squat? And maybe you can explain the elevated heels? I regularly see people squatting with heels on small plates but have never really understood it.
finally back to the gym. sinus crud, allergies and nephew’s wedding on 10/3. have niece’s wedding on 10/23.
1x3 135
1x3 185
1x3 230
1x3 235
1x3 240
felt light.
tricep dwath
tbar rows
band pressdown
met with teammate couple weeks ago. am doing bodyweight to barbell to get back into squatting correctly. have to goblet squat 5x10 w/60lb kettlebell and hit depth with no form breakdown. then will proceed to front squats, then to back squats.
I have some ankle flexibility issues, along with some hip bullshit. A PT is moving from Cincinnati to DSM. She’s an equipped lifter. will be joining us. Will seek her out for activation work.
goblet squats. woohoo
had 3 lifters lifting at nationals in PA. Think it was USPA.
Had couple more lifting at meeting in Kansas City. It was their 1st meet. No one bombed, no one injured, and everyone lived.
bench accessories
pvc w/suspended DB
2bd CGBP
5x5 230
tbar row
band pressdown
Thompson fat pad showed up at our gym. Will need to redrill holes. It’s made to fit a Rogue bench but doesn’t want to play nice with our EFS bench. We’ll make it conform.
tired of goblet squats and shit
rack pulls (mid shin)
1x8 225
1x8 315
1x5 405
1x3 455
1x1 500
1x0x2 525
405 10x2
bench on the new Thompson Fat Pad
PVC bar w/suspended db
1x3 185
1x3 220
3x3 240
tricep death
tbar row
band pressdown
no lift this weekend. niece got married in Milwaukee on Sat. Seven hour drive Friday and Sunday.
Tonite (did Sunday’s stuff)
PVC w/suspended 25#
2Bd close grip
5x5 230
tricep death
1x1 135
tbar rows
band pressdown
bench accessories
pvc bench 25# suspended
2 board cgbp
5x5 230
tricep death
tbar row
band pressdown
did some bench accessory stuff last Sunday
did some pulling on Tues
bench tomorrow
may try to put a bar on my back on Saturday. Life truly sucks not squatting.