Biding My Time Workout

I’m a college student home for winter break.

I usually work out at the gym at school, but at home, the only “real” gym costs $10 for a day pass and the only stuff I have at home is a barbell, bench and dumbbells.

My workouts at home usually suck, because everything is in my room where I can get distracted by my computer, and my parents have some weird “lifting dogma”, where any more often that 2x a week (I usually lift every other day) is “TOO MUCH ZOMG” Also, it is impossible for me to do Squats, Dips and Chin/Pull-Ups because of my lack of equipment

When I get back to school I’ll start ABBH (I did Waterbury Method before the break).

Any recommendations for what I should do?

Do what you can dont get distracted get in the two good w/os you can or a few more if needed you are an adult you know hell spend the 10 and go to the gym go to the park get creative. use this time to get fresh and when back at school hit it hard.


[quote]Phill wrote:
Do what you can dont get distracted get in the two good w/os you can or a few more if needed you are an adult you know hell spend the 10 and go to the gym go to the park get creative. use this time to get fresh and when back at school hit it hard.


Oh, I can get it more than 2x a week, I just have to put up with the parental bitching.

As far as the 10 dollar gym pass goes, I can only afford to do it once MAYBE twice the entire vacation.

Any reccomendations for exercise? Zercher Squats (for a while I thought they were called Kavorikian squats), for example. How would I do those without killing myself in setup (as if C&Jing 165 to do tradional squats were any better)