Hey guys, I’m curious if anyone knows anything about this issue. Every time I speed bench and have mega speed on the bar, I get some slight pain in my biceps in turn-around (from chest) position. If I tried to bench with less speed and it’s okay then and there is no other way I can provoce this pain. It is not big at all, but still annoys me. Any idea what that could be?
The funny thing is that I have not benched for a month, only incline (which is totally painfree) and before this month pause I have not had any issues. But now I do, when I started. Weird.
I tried with some havy weight today and it happens during the reversal, just when i let go of some tension.
I’ve controlled negative and then I let it “accelerate” right before I turn around and some where there…it screws me.
Do you think plyos will help me to “cure” it? I can live without speed bench, but the fact that I can now provoce it at heavy weights annoys the heck out of me. And it is always when I try to accelerate as fast as possible. If I control the tempo…it is okay.
Its just overuse. Try the plyos instead and see. Advil and ice will help too. Try no speed work at all for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Good luck.
doing a fast eccentric into a fast concentric will wreck your arms. if you think about it, what point is there in doing a fast eccentric anyway?? when i do speed work, i row the weight down contracting the lats hard… building tension and then let it rip off my chest.
bottom line- slow eccentric and explode off the chest. your arms will thank you. an added bonus to doing it this way is that you are reinforcing the way you would bench max weight. i also do speed squats this way. again, your hips will thank you.