ANy of you read this new book from PAVEL yet. If so what is your opinion?
From what I’ve heard it’s a collection of all of his articles from all different pubs., including Milo.
Sounds good to me because I tend to like his articles better than his books. BUT, you will prob. get a lot of anti-Pavel “people” coming on here soon so beware.
[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
Sounds good to me because I tend to like his articles better than his books. BUT, you will prob. get a lot of anti-Pavel “people” coming on here soon so beware.[/quote]
I assume that the “people” you refer to are really goats and polar bears.
[quote]Nick H wrote:
IL Cazzo wrote:
Sounds good to me because I tend to like his articles better than his books. BUT, you will prob. get a lot of anti-Pavel “people” coming on here soon so beware.
I assume that the “people” you refer to are really goats and polar bears.[/quote]
It’s true. Goats hate Pavel. Always have.
I am going to sound like a suck up but it is fucking awesome! I have been a trainer for almost 17 years and I must say that what makes this book great is that it is written in a do as I say format,article style as opposed to a " lets take one thing and turn it into a $30 ebook(X-Reps)".I also preferred Pavel when he wrote for mags and this is what that is.I am a fan of harcore kettlebell lifting(try 10 reps of kettlebell clean and jerks with a pair of 88 pounders for 6 weeks and you will see what I mean) but there is not a lot of kb stuff in this book.If thats what you want look elsewhere.This stuff is for powerlifters and powerlifter style bodybuilders.Just as a note, after a month of Pavel’s “Russian Reps” from BB, my squat went from 335 to 365 and my bench(stuck for 6 months) went from 350 to 375 which for me is a big deal! Anyone want to know what routines I have been using Pavels stuff for,with clients,etc just post. I have been using his BB style articles for quite sometime.Peace! z
I’d like to see an example of the routines you have had success with. Thanks.
[quote]Nick H wrote:
IL Cazzo wrote:
Sounds good to me because I tend to like his articles better than his books. BUT, you will prob. get a lot of anti-Pavel “people” coming on here soon so beware.
I assume that the “people” you refer to are really goats and polar bears.[/quote]
LOL…what do you expect, look who posted it.
As I said, some “people” like Zeb would be coming around. Another bodyweight superstar, he will blab on about how he’s “glad Pavel could come here and make millions, God Bless Him, but I just dont like his kettelbells.”
Blah blah blee. No one cares.
The main reason that most here don’t like pavel is that during an interview once, he made a fairly mild put down of TC, and even though T-Mag is famous for putting people down (rightly so, usually) they took offense and some of the sheeple here also took offense. The other 98% who think for themselves realized that, yes, both T-Mag AND Pavel could be good.
[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
As I said, some “people” like Zeb would be coming around. Another bodyweight superstar, he will blab on about how he’s “glad Pavel could come here and make millions, God Bless Him, but I just dont like his kettelbells.”
Blah blah blee. No one cares.
The main reason that most here don’t like pavel is that during an interview once, he made a fairly mild put down of TC, and even though T-Mag is famous for putting people down (rightly so, usually) they took offense and some of the sheeple here also took offense. The other 98% who think for themselves realized that, yes, both T-Mag AND Pavel could be good.
IL Cazzo:
I think you suffer from some sort of social disorder. Not sure which one. You could simply be a product of our current culture, then again many others your age are great people and add much to this forum.
Either way you happen to be one of the most negative elements on this forum. I am still waiting for you to contribute something positive (not holding my breath).
Your latest put down seems to involve body weight movements. You have an apparent bias against anything that you either don’t perform, don’t understand or are unable to do (or a combination thereof). This closed mindedness of yours, I think, contributes to your negativity.
I have news for you: Body weight movements are a great way to train! Barbell & Dumbbell movements are a great way to train! Strong man training happens to be a great way to go as well.
Do you think it’s possible for you to see the benefits of every sort of training, even if you don’t actually do it?
Moreover, can you respect anothers view point, even if you don’t hold that point of view?
No Zeb, I just don’t like you. I don’t like that you think because you did chin ups you are some kind of expert. Go search my posts and you tell me where I wasn’t being helpful. Seems to me the only time I’m being negative is when you post something idiotic. Also, you came into this thread and posted something negative about me.
Oh, by the way, heard about your little attempt to drag someone down. Nice try hahahah.
[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
No Zeb, I just don’t like you. I don’t like that you think because you did chin ups you are some kind of expert. Go search my posts and you tell me where I wasn’t being helpful. Seems to me the only time I’m being negative is when you post something idiotic. Also, you came into this thread and posted something negative about me.
Oh, by the way, heard about your little attempt to drag someone down. Nice try hahahah.[/quote]
IL Cazzo:
I see, you’re jealous because I wrote a Pull-up post that people actually liked and benefited from. This is a training site…(shaking my head) you are one strange kid!
As far as who began the negativity between us, that would be you! Which was several months ago and related to either me writing the Pull-up post, or being (policitally) conservative, or a combination of both. As I already stated, you have a difficult time with people who take a different view than the one you have. Tough huh?
The recent “outbreak” of negativity was also begun by you on the “Anyone Try PowerBreath” thread, (2-27). As you know, after I posted to the original poster (not you) that it would be better to spend the time doing Push-ups or Sit-ups than use the PowerBreath, you retorted: “Oddly enough, more bodyweight exercises. Yawn.”
Up to that time there had been no communication (lucky me) between us for quite a while. Even though it was brought to my attention by a few members in PM (several months ago) that you had made mention of me in a negative light in a couple of other posts. Something about “wanting to pee on me” (sad but true). Seems that you just can’t get me out of your sick little mind
Also, I never tried to drag Pavel down (if that’s who you are referring to). He is a big boy and can take some criticism. I agree with many of his concepts, but he’s not perfect, neither am I. And believe it or not, neither are you!
You don’t like me? Now that’s a shame because You’re going to have to live with all that hate. See where it gets you.
Great book.
The section on loosening up the back really helped my glass back.
I did the Smolov squat cycle and put almost 1.5" on my thighs and 55lbs. on my max squat.
For the love of GOD ZEB–and you too…the other guy–will you stop?
I’m interested in Pavel’s book, not in longwinded posts saying how nice you are and how not nice other people are.
Cutting people down all the time ain’t T, dammit.
I enjoy Pavels writings and have 2 of his books.
What I dont like is the enormous amount of ads he has in his publishings…33% of the books are friggin ads for his other shit.
I would be interested to know exactly which of Pavel’s theories/methods you take issue with.
I happen to be a pretty firm believer in most of his stuff, including kettlebell work, but would be happy to here some contrary viewpoints.(I also think pavel is a very cool guy).
Don’t know if Ill shell out $50 for an article reprint book though…mainly because I have read most of his magazine and Milo articles.
Considering how much all the mags cost collectively I thought it was fair.Now that I own it, I think it is a steal!
His Milo stuff is great. “Chain Yourself to the Squat Rack and Call Me in a Year” was awesome.
[quote]NDWillie wrote:
ANy of you read this new book from PAVEL yet. If so what is your opinion? [/quote]
I posted a similar response on another thread. I liked the book, but I did return it. Much of the information in the book is in others (Supertraining, etc.) After all, most of it deals with research done by Russian authors whose books you can buy. If I would not have had the other books, I would have kept Beyond Bodybuilding.
I have BB and supertraining.It has alot of the same info in an easy to understand and easy to represent style;important for clients.It is like the easy to follow book you should get with Supertraining…z
I haven’t read the book “in detail” but I’ve leafed through and read some of the articles and sections.
While I’m sure most material covered can be found in Supertraining or some Russian text, the difference is that Pavel can boil down good advice to a couple of very readable and intuitive paragraphs. “Do this, don’t do that, think of it like this.” Voila.