Best Wrist Wraps?

So I have an old pair of APT Pro Convicts that I love, but they are worn, stretching badly, and it seems that APT–or at least the APT that I used to know and love is out of business. I have no idea how to evaluate the wraps on their site now—so i’d like you guys opinions on the besy benching wraps for a) carryover and b) comfort.

I’ve never used anything but APT so I know nothing about Inzers stuff or Titan or Metal. Anybody with a big bench (equipped or raw, dont care since i’ll be using it for shirt work at some point) with an opinion on wraps they love AND hate?

I want to gift myself this Christmas season haha.

APT gear is where it is at man. I can’t remember what they are called exactly but they white with a red stripping down the middle I love these best pair ever had. Inzers are crap in my opinion I literally hate them.

I loved APT but switched to Metal about a month ago. I love them. Get the 60mm if you can, the 80mil are so thick that someone else has to wrap your wrist for you.

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
I loved APT but switched to Metal about a month ago. I love them. Get the 60mm if you can, the 80mil are so thick that someone else has to wrap your wrist for you.[/quote]

Popeye–better than your apt’s? What do you like about them?

I love the fuck out of my EFS Super Heavy’s.

60 vs 80 refers to length in cm lol. I have EFS heavy’s in 60 cm which work well, but I’d get 80s if you want a forearm cast type of wrap.

[quote]browndisaster wrote:
60 vs 80 refers to length in cm lol. I have EFS heavy’s in 60 cm which work well, but I’d get 80s if you want a forearm cast type of wrap.[/quote]

haha your right! Sorry didn’t mean to disinform anyone. I was looking on EFS and all the gray metals were off the site, guess there out right now. What I was getting at was the heavy’s are great, but they have a thicker line, one thats good for comp when theres plenty off people around that can help and know how to wrap wrist. I cant wrap the Super Heavy’s by myself right, hand always slips or I hit myself in the face lol. Maybe Im just an uncoordinated bastard…

ah ok makes sense
the heavy wraps I have right now have been comfortable after the first few uses, they’re very supportive though. From what I heard the normal wraps are too light to be of much use. I guess I will just reorder the heavy’s once they wear out, maybe in 80 cm.

For what it’s worth I’m not benching anywhere near 400+ pounds and don’t need the same type of support that geared lifters need.