Best Workout Routine?

But bobopunxs, despite your last post, the advice still doesn’t change. The FAQ section actually TAKES YOU THROUGH the exact questions you’ve been asking, and gives you several possibilities. Ultimately, every program is a gamble, but the ones listed are TRIED and TESTED to give results if you’re eating and training correctly.

If you’ve got this little initiative, d’ya want us to lift the weights for you too? I’ve got Friday free this week…


Bob, since you’re so new to this, why don’t you start with the “Beginner’s Blast-Off Program” for about six to eight weeks, all the while reading the back issues here at T-mag. By the time you’re done with that, you should have made some good gains (provided you’d been eating everything in site), and you’ll be ready to try a new program, one that you discovered while reading the back issues. Now quit futzin’ around with your computer and go hit the weights.

Sorry i didn’t mean to be an ass i was just trying for a little help from you guys. It does seem that i have to catch up on a lot of reading but i will try. Its just when i read some of the articles they are hard to understand since im so new but im getting there. thanks guys and girls

For optimum gains check out “The Diet Manifesto” and my first T-Mag article “Massive Eating” throw in “The Protein Prejudice” just so you know where the local nutrition culture is set.
Back to training;
If it stops working in a few months thats because, overtraining aside, nothing works indefinately, including progressive resistance (where did I read that?) What to do? Change it. Once you gain the necessary experience in the gym and knowlege wise you can do yourself up a program with the necessary variety to prevent this. At your training age this wont be for a while on a properly designed program.

This is the really sad thing, you do the search for “massive eating” (on the home page not Forum) and you get everything but “” and 50 copies as well. Use Google and it will take you straight there.

Didn’t you post some workout and ask people to critique it for you, and I believe Ike not only critiqued it for you, but he ALSO recommended that you try Ian King’s workout. So why don’t you listen to him? Ike’s one of the smartest/knowledgeable people on the board. And if you don’t plan to listen to other people’s advice, why do you even ask for it?

In the FAQ section you find many excellent programs by Poliquin, King, Staley, Davies etc.
See also the program by C. S. Sloan in Issue 253.

Fat to Fire by Coach John Davies. A good, full body workout, three days a week with “active rest” on your two rest days.