I got some extra cash recently and want to invest it in some knowledge.
I currently have a huge collection of electronic books of a wide range of subjects. Power production, vertical jumping, Westside, Strongman for athletes, science and practice of strength training, supertraining, speed training, russian training, Rippetoe, Tate, Wendler, Simmons, dinosaur training, even fucking diet books (which I tried to read but got bored of very quick). I’ve read a lot of them and they have good information (though too complex for my uneducated self at times).
I didn’t enjoy reading 531, but that was only because there was little information that I didn’t already know. So something more advanced than that is preferred.
I can’t afford The Vault by EliteFTS. If I could, that’d be my first pick, second to Block Periodization by Issurin. Can’t afford that either. I’m interested in just learning more about training, especially Westside style training, work capacity, block periodization, stuff like that. I remember Jim Wendler had a book that everyone said was great. Can’t remember the name but I think it was the only book that didn’t have something to do with 531.
Anyway, any suggestions for books are welcome. Just want to add something to the collection and learn something new.
[quote]louiek wrote:
Anyway, any suggestions for books are welcome. Just want to add something to the collection and learn something new.[/quote]
Similar thread #1:
Not trying to be condescending or anything, but there are some good suggestions in those threads.
I’d also suggest Muscle, Smoke, and Mirrors Volumes 1 and 2 by Randy Roach. It’s not instructional as in “here are some training programs and methods”, but it’s a thorough encyclopedia of the history of bodybuilding, lifting, and physical culture.
I’m almost halfway through the second volume myself. Very fascinating, in-depth info in both.
Supertraining is a pretty bad ass book if you can get past the dryness of how it is written. Plenty of informative topics … it is a little pricey, but basically any training book out on the market cherry picks this info in supertraining.
It’s kind of funny … you read Supertraining and you realise how much the articles on this site came directly from that one book.
The Vault is a pretty good read. I picked it up when Tate was offering it for free late last year via his site (link may still be open, check the elitefts articles). Not really a whole lot of new information with the list of resources you provided though. If you are looking for something new, I wouldn’t bother with it but if you want it just for the sake of reading it … by all means get it. Tate’s one of those guys that can recycle shit and still make you want to eat it.
[quote]louiek wrote:
Anyway, any suggestions for books are welcome. Just want to add something to the collection and learn something new.[/quote]
Similar thread #1:
Not trying to be condescending or anything, but there are some good suggestions in those threads.
I’d also suggest Muscle, Smoke, and Mirrors Volumes 1 and 2 by Randy Roach. It’s not instructional as in “here are some training programs and methods”, but it’s a thorough encyclopedia of the history of bodybuilding, lifting, and physical culture.
I’m almost halfway through the second volume myself. Very fascinating, in-depth info in both.
Yeah, I did some searching for books but mostly just found people saying to read the stuff I’ve already read. Thanks though.
[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
You have supertraining as an e-book? [/quote]