I usually do 8/3 10/3 12/3 and have been experimenting with 5/5 lately but i hear 10/3 for fat loss and such, so what rep/set scheme will induce the most hypertrophy, ive read articles but it seems kinda unclear for me. When i say hypertrophy i mean bigger muscles ofcourse but with a ripped look.
look at Chad’s article “rep set bible” there all is outlined for you-but in short:
Paramters for EACH muscle group:
Only hpertrophy:
weight:70-80% of 1rpm
rest:1-2 minute
rep/set volume: 36-50
Training frequeny:2-4x the week
So it means you can go for: 4x10 10x5 6x6 3x15 etc-just be creative.
I think the best rep/set scheme for hypertrophy would be whichever one your muscles aren’t used to at the time (within reason).
[quote]science wrote:
look at Chad’s article “rep set bible” there all is outlined for you-but in short:
Paramters for EACH muscle group:
Only hpertrophy:
weight:70-80% of 1rpm
rest:1-2 minute
rep/set volume: 36-50
Training frequeny:2-4x the week
So it means you can go for: 4x10 10x5 6x6 3x15 etc-just be creative.
Some of the protocols you suggest, although backed by science are going to be tough. Something like a 10x5 should not just be jumped into, rather built into…
week 1 5x5
week 2 6x5
week 3 etc etc etc
In addition, SWR-1240 makes a god point above.
I’d say it doesn’t matter what rep range you use. I think it boils down to the time under tension per week… (with enough stress on the muscle to push it through the pain barrier) is what gives you the most hypertrophy.
Right now I’m doing well with super-sets, drop-sets and stripper-sets in the 6-12 rep range for 40-60 seconds and as many times a week as possible for hypertrophy.
It depends on the movement and also your years of training experience and also how you have tended to train that muscle before.
For example, I am relatively strong in the bench press and parallel box squat. For these 2 movements, I would do best by doing several sets of 2-3 reps and shortening the rest periods.
Typically I do 6 x 2 in the box squat and 4-5 x 3 in the bench for strength. If I up the sets to 8-12 in the box squat or 8-10 in the bench an try to complete all sets in 10-12 minutes I will add mass.
I am not as 1 rep strong in upper back exercises, but I respond best with multiple sets of 5 performed explosively. Same of hamstrings.
For shorter range movements you can pop off sets of 5-8 pretty fast, in about the time it takes to do a heavy triple on the bench.
The one thing that is pretty constant is that if I reduce my rest between sets, I will start to gain mass whether it is a bodypart that responds better to 2-3 reps or 5-8.
Earlier in training I would have said that 12-15 reps is good for mass, but as your strength rises, you just won’t be able to do that, however you can do 12-15 reps broken down into short mini-sets of 2-5.
One example is simple preacher curls. I can try to do 3 x 10 with short rest periods but if I do 10 x 3 I can use 25% more weight and still complete all reps in the same time frame.