I’m currently recovering from some kind of 24-hour stomach virus and haven’t eaten anything except for a small serving of Gatorade since I have thrown up multiple times.
I want to reintroduce some food but I don’t want to make myself sick in the process.
Any ideas on how to get some decent protein in? I was thinking of just using a Whey shake or something, and while Whey doesnt ever upset my stomach, I’m thinking that protein powder might not be the best right now.
I had the same problem a while ago, Basically as soon as I could stomach it I mixed some whey into pro-biotic natural yoghurt, basically lived on that for the day…
I seem to get that nasty puke your guts out stomach virus at least once a year, this year i popped about 4 bcaa pills every couple of hours. this of course after i could keep down fluids, i had no problem keeping the pills down. might be worth a shot if you cant keep protein shakes down
Yogurt should help. If you can’t tolerate yogurt, then I would go with something fatty and greasy, which might not make sense, but for whatever reason, whenever I have a stomach flu, a piece of toast smothered in butter is always palpable.
BCAAs can’t hurt either. If only for piece of mind(which, I find helps tremendously in situations like that)
If you’re sick, you want to be putting quality foods into your body, not gatorade. Gatorade is loaded with refined sugar.
Take it easy on the protein and focus on eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest. Raw honey and aloe vera juice are great when you’re sick.
Coconut water is too. Coconut water is the highest form of electrolytes on earth, which is what your body needs when it’s sick. make sure you’re getting plenty of fluids and Vitamin C too. Grapefruits and spinach are great for Vitamin C.
[quote]dhuge67 wrote:
I’m currently recovering from some kind of 24-hour stomach virus and haven’t eaten anything except for a small serving of Gatorade since I have thrown up multiple times.
I want to reintroduce some food but I don’t want to make myself sick in the process.
Any ideas on how to get some decent protein in? I was thinking of just using a Whey shake or something, and while Whey doesnt ever upset my stomach, I’m thinking that protein powder might not be the best right now.