So I Got Food Poisoning.

i puked about 17 times last night and cannot for the life of me keep any food down. even crackers and toast…
in turn this has really been terrible for my gain. i haven’t got on the scale yet but i am pretty sure i have lost some pounds. i haven’t had a bite to eat in the last 24 hours and really would like some advice on a “easy on my stomach” food/meal ideas.

Thanks a bunch!

hopefully I’m in the right section

Until you get better, Im not sure anything will be easy on your stomach. I had food poisoning 2 summers ago. I threw up all night, ended up dehydrated. I went to the ER they gave me some stuff to stop the nausea and hooked me up to the I.V to hydrate me back up. Don’t even worry about your gains, worry about getting better. I would assume (keyword here: assume) liquids would be easy to keep down.

not so much, even water and Gatorade don’t settle well they are back in the toilet in 30 or so. I’m just trying to not end up on the hospital

Sucks man. I had food poisoning once and it’s definitely a painful experience. Any idea what you ate that was bad?

Don’t worry about the lost weight. You will gain that back very quickly.

Keep drinking gatorade. If you are puking every 30, then some of it will be digested in between sessions.

Try to down a few pounds of cottage cheese as quickly as possible.

First of all, if it doesn’t get better within two days or so, see a doctor.

I’ve had this twice in my life - and it sucks. The first I could eat again where soups (which I hate) and dry crackers after about a day.

Don’t worry at all about your gains, they should be last on your mind - you’ll take some time to fully recover (a good two weeks) anyway. Take it easy and just concentrate on getting better.


[quote]The sofa king wrote:
not so much, even water and Gatorade don’t settle well they are back in the toilet in 30 or so. I’m just trying to not end up on the hospital [/quote]

If you can not keep water down you need a doctor. Dehydration becomes a serious concern. I have had FP more times than I would like to admit. My last go I went to the hospital and they put 4 liters of fluid in me through an IV. The doctor came in and asked if I needed to use the bathroom. When I said no he said if I had waited a few more hours then I may have gone into shock.

Be careful.

Hell even try drinking Pedialyte, that children’s hydrator. May have less carbs to digest than Gatorade or not since its kid’s stuff.

Upon that when you can keep things down, you need probiotics big time. Those healthy bacterial cultures found in your stomach, that’ll speed up your recovery.