Read your article on “Best damn workout for Natural Body Builders” and have adopted this program and workout routine, I’m hooked!!! I have transformed most my body over the last two years yet still need to cut the stubborn belly fat. On the pull days I do loaded carries after the workout. Do you have any other recommendations to incorporate for fat loss while using this push/pull program??? I enjoy lifting heavy but loath cardio work, the loaded carry work is a good add on I think but looking for any other input…
I also watch my calorie intake and believe I have this adjusted accordingly with macros set for a deficit.
New here and enjoy all your articles Coach Thibaudeau
If you aren’t losing weight then you aren’t in a caloric deficit. Doesn’t matter what the calculators say, no way around it. Not being a smart alec. Nobody is more frustrated about that fact than me lol.
Instead of boring cardio why not program in 3 10 minute walks per day? Shouldn’t mess with your training recovery and could start getting the scale in the right direction.
Yeah walks really are a good thing. On summers I usually fast walk 40 min everyday and it really helps a lot with fat loss even cardio.
Also, you could do at the end of each session, one of these exercises. They don’t take much time and the variety should help with your loathing of cardio. They are from an old CT program that I did last winter with good results. But I advice, especially if you are competitive like me, to use lower weights or go easier for at least three weeks, let your body adapt, or you will burn out (I think the first time I cried at the gym was during this, when i was doing thrusters with 40 kgs for sets of 10 with 20 sec rest lol)
On pull days:
• Farmer’s walk 1 minute of work/1 minute of rest x 5 sets
• Zercher carries 1 minute of work/1 minute of rest x 5 sets
• KB swing intervals (15 reps/30 sec of rest) x 6 intervals
• Rowing ergometer 4 x 500m, 90 seconds of rest
• Medicine Ball Backward Throw Against Wall (10 reps/30 seconds rest) x 5 intervals
On push days:
• Prowler pushing or sled pulling 1 minute of work/1 minute of rest x 5 sets
• Stair sprints 1 minute of work/1 minute of rest x 5 sets (don’t sprint at 100%)
• Overhead walk 1 minute of work/1 minute of rest x 5 sets
• Air squat tabata (20 sec max reps/10 sec rest) x 8 intervals
• Barbell thrusters intervals (10 reps/30 sec of rest) x 6 intervals
• Burpees intervals (10 reps/30 seconds rest) x 5 intervals
• Wall-Ball (Crossfit-style) intervals (10 reps/30 seconds rest) x 5 intervals
I suggest also that you drop abs work for a few weeks if you’re doing any. And when these exercises become easy well you add more weight or lower the rest or increase speed of execution.
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Thanks, I am frustrated too with the online calculators, I think I am closer now to a deficit and showing some slow results. 3x10min walks sound not so bad, thanks.
I like all the suggested pull/push day recommended add-ons. You say you do one session on each day out of what you listed? thanks for the help