I know that everyones supp questions are now geared towards MAG-10, but I’d like to hear everones opinion on the best creatine product out there. Also when’s the best time to incorporate it, Neural or Hypertrophy training phases?
Creatine is creatine for the most part. Don’t fall for all these Kool-aide mixtures. I think it was Ian King (who wrote on book a creatine a few years ago) who said to use plain creatine and the rest of the bells and whistles don’t add much of anything to its effectiveness- or at least doesn’t justify extra costs. Any company claiming their creatine is 900% better than regular creatine is pulling your leg or worse, taking advantage of people who don’t know any better (teenagers and newbies). As for your question, I think it can be used it both phases. I just don’t see much use for it in diet phase though.
Would you say that there’s still a need to load plain 'ol creatine for the first week?, I remember seeing a similar post a month or so ago but just brushed by it.
I think most supp co’s wanted you to load just to use up more product. It does help some though or at least seems to speed up results (although much of that is just water retention) I sometimes do two doses a day for 7 days then go to one. I just mix it in warm green tea. It also seems like people who have probs with creatine all seem to have those troubles during loading. Loading isn’t necessary really, but I take the half and half approach anyway, meaning I do a small loading stage- two doses a day/ 7 days. That’s 10 grams a day, 5 after that to maintain.