Best 5 Wrestler Physiques Ever

cena at one time looked like a legit bodybuilder

In no particular order, I would like to nominate some…

The Rock
John Cena
Big Poppa Pump
Bobby Lashley
The Ultimate Warrior (the original guy)
Ravishing Rick Rude
Rowdy Roddy Piper (not for his physique, he was just cool as hell when he lost his temper.)

also, ultimate warrior has a secret…

[quote]hypnotoad wrote:
lack of ultimate warrior saddens me.


Couldn’t find a better pic

Here’s one of Hulk and The Ultimate Warrior

This one I just thought was funny

that was a BS Wrestlemania

also, the Warrior tried holding out at the last minute to demand more money

whats going on here…?

I don’t care what his physique looked like. Andre the Giant PWNS everyone. Look at the way he is PWNING these women. Total PWNAGE.

If he had a horse, it would be called My Little PWNY. If he went to jail, he would get one free PWN call. If he had is own era, it would be the PWN age. If he was a character on a cereal box, he would be PWNY the Tiger.

If he played an action hero, he would be Indiana PWNS. If he formed a rap group, it would be PWN Thugs 'N Harmony. If he was a motivational speaker, he would be PWNY Robbins. If he gave away a kidney, he would be an organ PWNER.

If he was hungry, he would eat ice cream PWNS. If he was a cowboy, he would be the PWN Ranger. If he was an extra-terrestrial with a red finger, his catch phrase would be “E.T. PWN home”.

If he painted a portrait of a woman, he would call it the PWNA Lisa. If he was a 15th century French girl who fought in the Hundred Years’ War, he would be PWN of Arc. If he was an Italian guy who used to be a professional boxer and later starred in a sitcom as a housekeeper, he would be PWNY Danza.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
that was a BS Wrestlemania

also, the Warrior tried holding out at the last minute to demand more money [/quote]

Didn’t he get fired a bunch of times? I always heard he let the fame get to his head and kept asking for too much money.

How can you forget…

Tony Atlas
Super Star Billy Graham
The Road Warriors/LOD…Hawk and Animal
The Barbarian
The Warlord
Paul Roma
Perry Saturn
Superfly Jimmy Snuka

incidentally, warrior is still pretty ripped

Sting? Really?

My votes goes to:

Ultimate Warrior
Legion of Doom (Animal was a fucking tank)
The Bushwhackers

Tom “Dynamite Kid” Billington was a sawed off little dude, but he had one hell of a physique. Paul Orndorff wasn’t too bad either. Oh yeah, what about Lex Luger?

[quote]analog_kid wrote:

The Bushwhackers [/quote]

that made me LOL

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
jehovasfitness wrote:
that was a BS Wrestlemania

also, the Warrior tried holding out at the last minute to demand more money

Didn’t he get fired a bunch of times? I always heard he let the fame get to his head and kept asking for too much money.[/quote]

Yeah he got fired the first time at a summerslam (not sure of what year it was) not wrestlemania 6. He said to vince he wanted a extra 500,000 or something like that for 1 match.Vince said ok no problem.As soon as the match was over vince fired him on the spot.
He turned up a few years later for a short stint.He beat HHH in a few seconds at WM 12,thats the last i remember of him.

Back to the question at hand.

Top 5 wrestling bodies would be

  1. Rock-at 6’4/1/2 275 pounds he had the best physique,apart from a small case of gyno which he later got fixed up.

2.Kane - Back in early 2000 he was massive and cut.He looks like shit now but back then he was very impressive at 6’11 300 pounds +

3.Batista - 6’3 280 give or take 10 shoulders on a wrestler ive seen.crazy veins to boot.

4.Chris Materpiece Masters - 6’4 and a solid 270.One of the best body’s ever to enter a wrestling ring.Looked like a legit body builder.

  1. Rick rude- Not the biggest guy but the most impressive .Would have weighed 240-250 pounds at his peak.Best abs ever in pro wrestling.Was still in tremendous shape before he passed away :frowning:

Some other great physiques to mention. Randy orton,HHH,Aj styles,Razor ramon,Mr perfect,Warlord,crush,Zeus and finally cena

Bobby Lashley, without a doubt. Batista is a large feller too.

John Cena is a white-trash douche bag, for the record.

Chris Benoit gets no mention?

My pic: Scott Hall. I don’t even care about physique, he’s just my favorite wrestler.

Damn how could I have forgot about half those guys :confused: Ultimate Warrior is a big guy and has always impressed me come to think about it.

For a long time I feel Warriors physique was much better than Hogans however Hogan got ripped at some point between Joining WCW and rejoining WWF/WWE so I think in that period Hogan at least to me was pretty damn impressive.

AJ Styles has an impressive physique I agree with you there kings, Jay Lethal although one of the smaller guys has a very impressive physique I think.


a close second-

lol, this freak of nature right here is just beginning to swell!!

and we all know there are two types of people in this world, weasels, and weasel slappers, an your a weasel…LMAO!! and thats okay, we slap girls too!!