Hi coach how would you structure a 5 day (mon-fri) Bro split?
I’ve been training for a few years and have SLIGHTLY lagging shoulders/arms
Of note, I would like to DL and bent over Row on back days, to squat and SLDL on leg days.
Hi coach how would you structure a 5 day (mon-fri) Bro split?
I’ve been training for a few years and have SLIGHTLY lagging shoulders/arms
Of note, I would like to DL and bent over Row on back days, to squat and SLDL on leg days.
Welcome to the land of pumps, Bigger Stronger Leaner! Coach Thibaudeau is the Bro split master. While you wait for his wisdom, here’s a fun fact: did you know even the mighty Christian started with lagging shoulders? We all have them!
I don’t believe CT frequents these parts anymore and the one thing he disliked more than anything was someone asking him to supply a free, tailor-made, training program.
And…disagree with CT being a “bro split” coach.
I’m not asking for a free tailor-made program…
I am just asking for an advice. Anyway I’m sorry he doesn’t work for T nation forums anymore.
What an odd little post
A split I’ve seen CT use in a few of his programs that I’ve personally had some great results with is:
You pair a bigger muscle with a smaller antagonist smaller group so you can superset and get more work done in less time.
Day 1-Chest/shoulder/ab
Day 2-Back/arms/ab
Day 3-Leg/chest
Day 4-Chest/shoulder/leg
Day 5-Back/arm
2 day off on weekend or schedule after day 3.