I’ll get right to the point since this’ll be really long. I’ve been sick 8 times since september. Since september, I constantly have a little mucus in throat that cause me to cough occasionally, especially when eating (especially oily and other foods).
At first it was suggested that it was related to my acid reflux (stuff from my stomach going up to my throat), which is on and off, but the thing is, when i have my acid reflux stuff itll fix the heartburn yet not my cough.
Other things were also suggested to have caused my mucus buildup/cough (which is beleived to be related to my getting sick all the time). i tried a nasal spray, an inhaler, stronger acid reflux stuff since it seems to come back. I posted about this on elitefts and someone suggested he had the same problem of getting sick all the time for 5 years and that it was related to allergies. So I went and got allergy tested.
The results were a strong reaction to dust/dust mites and “maybe” to milk and casein. I took claritin which is for relieving allergies for about 2 weeks to see if it would have any effect. other than making my nose a little clearer, it didnt do much for my throat (and im assuming for my getting sick all the time).
I have read from you and from Jason over at elitefts that milk allergies can develop if using the same protein powder for extended periods of time and that mucus buildup in the throat can be a part of this reaction. However, I did switch brands once in this time period with no noticeable change. I average about 2 cups of milk and 2 scoops of protein powder a day.
Basically I’m wondering if my problem could be related to the milk stuff. Do I need to switch to a different brand and do that often, or not have whey protein at all? Could it be the milk and I should just not drink milk? I have been hesitant to experiment dropping off the dairy stuff with it so far because I have seen 3 types of doctors and asking them about it and they said the milk wouldnt be an issue. Also, I weigh 145lbs and am by far not a big eater and taking out milk and whey from my diet would be very bad in terms of getting in enough calories and protein.
heh I know you didnt want my life story but I thought Id fully explain my situation up to this point. It’s getting very frustrating.
If anyone else has knowledge on this, feel free to help