[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Beowulf Totally Sucked! Not quite as bad as Hitman but damn!
The animation was awful. You know what my hatred of non-live-action movies is? The characters look like goddamn pod people. It’s perverse and strange and wildly inhuman.
Sure, you might say “Go Fuck yourself! The animation kicked ass! Did you see how shiny Angelina was?” First off, don’t go getting yourself turned on by a cartoon of a woman whose REALLY naked in a handful of much better movies than this one. Second, the Animation did, in fact, suck. It looks like a programmer forgot to bump-map some of the buckles on some of the soldiers gear in some scenes. I don’t want to watch a video game. I want to see blood.
And Hollywood totally changed the storyline. What’s this bullshit with Grendel’s mother?
And why would Beowulf be King of some shitty town in Iceland when he can, and does in the real book, go back home to become ruler of a much more badass and larger kingdom on the mainland?
Finally, Grendel sucked. He looked far too funny.
And Beowulf taking of his clothes, not his armor, but all his clothes, to fight Grendel was really super GHEY. Don’t tell me that Beowulf went commando under his armor and that this made sense. If you adventured around the Arctic circle all the goddamn time with nothing but cold steel touching your boys and no cloth to keep you warm then your dick would defiantly fall off.
And if movie Beowulf were as BADASS as book Beowulf he would have ripped Grendel’s arm off without the leverage aid of a door and a chain. He would have just yanked it out![/quote]
good review…movie was ghey and the austin power dick things was overplayed and stupid.
I also couldn’t relate to Bewulf cus he was a tool who went around yelling out his own name.
Grendel looked so stupid, who designed that character. looked way to cartoonish and wasn’t realistic at all, something you would need in a non-live action movie to begin with to make the character believable. ending was stupid, plot was stupid and the animation was disappointing. Final fantasty animation was just as good and that was years ago.