Bench Shirt Question

You might remember my post a few months ago. I was looking for some advice on a bench shirt. Well I just got some cash together so I’m gunna go ahead and by a Titan Fury.

On the site there is three different options:

-Regular (snug fit for new lifters or more passive support)

-Meet (tight for training and contests)

-Competition (extremely tight)

I’ve never put a shirt on before so according to their recommendation I should go with the regular. Is a “meet” shirt too tight for a beginner to learn on? If this could be cleared up that would be great.

Thanks again

You’ll need help to get into any shirt, but you could go with meet fit and probably be able to squeeze into it.

The fury was easy for me to learn with.

I still use my Fury.

Make sure you have someone knowledgeable with the bench shirt to put it on for you.

If it is not cranked correctly, it can mis-groove and send the bar flying towards your face.

Go with whatever your chest size is for Titan. I have 11 years of competitive experience with shirts so feel free to PM me for more advice.

I would go with your exact chest size. Go with competition fit. If you have a 46 chest for example. Get a 46. If you have a 47 then maybe go up a size to a 48.

It kinda depends on how much you are benching. If you are going 500 plus you could go down an extra size. If your just learning the shirt I would go with the same as your chest size. You may think it’s too tight when you first get it but it will stretch out.

The chest plate on those 1-ply Furys and F6s will stretch at least an inch and a half after 2 or 3 full-range session. For example, I bought a comp fit 46 for my 47 inch chest and it was great shirt for three training sessions. By my fourth (and final)training session, the shirt felt like a 48 or 50. The fifth time I used it (at the meet), I weighed about 5-7 pounds less than I did in trainind and the shirt was almost worthless. That leaves two choices- keep a new one for meet day and then use an old one for training; or, preferably, get a real tight one and break it in in training. Once it stretches to a point, it will be broken in and it will not stretch much more and. So, if you started with a shirt that you could barely touch 3 boards with, you should end up with perfect fit after 4 or 5 workouts. I still like the Titan 1-plys a lot, but they do change dramatically over even a short training cycle. Something to consider.

The way they sit it up now is you put your stats in and they will pick the shirts for you basically based upon your selection of tightness.

I went with the “meet fit” I could probably still change my order but what do you guys think, meet or competiton fit?

Plus how hard is it to put on a shirt? I’ve seen videos of people put them on with others and it looks like it could take some strength but is there an art to it? Or does it jsut go on and fit one way?

[quote]naughtybox wrote:
The way they sit it up now is you put your stats in and they will pick the shirts for you basically based upon your selection of tightness.

I went with the “meet fit” I could probably still change my order but what do you guys think, meet or competiton fit?

Plus how hard is it to put on a shirt? I’ve seen videos of people put them on with others and it looks like it could take some strength but is there an art to it? Or does it jsut go on and fit one way?[/quote]

It depends on the type and how tight it is. You need someone with experience to help. I find the easiest way is the turn the shirt inside out. Have someone hold the arms while you push your arms through. Once the arms a good, lift arms overhead and have two people yanks the shirt done over your head. Make sure that the tag will end up in the back. It sucks when you struggle to get a shirt on and it on backwards. It comes off pretty easy.

Thanks for everyone’s input.

Here’s some instructions with pictures to help you put your shirt on properly…

the first shirt i ever used was a regular old inzer blast shirt, i got 80lbs. out of it.

the second shirt i used was a single ply titan fury that i got 100lbs out of.

my current shirt that i use use is my inzer RageX double ply…
i get 540 raw with the shirt right now i am hitting 765 about to go for 850 in a month… thats 225that i get out of it but i gues i just know how to use the shirt…

plus the type of shirt you get depends on how you bench alot of people dont beliee that but its true wide grip go with rage, ragex, or fury…average middle grip phenom, or f6…
i am not sure about titans new katana but will be in a few weeks i have a few friends trying them out so i can get back to you about that soon

and what i have gotten and get out of my shirts was/is with a pause…

[quote]gmangerm wrote:
the first shirt i ever used was a regular old inzer blast shirt, i got 80lbs. out of it.

the second shirt i used was a single ply titan fury that i got 100lbs out of.

my current shirt that i use use is my inzer RageX double ply…
i get 540 raw with the shirt right now i am hitting 765 about to go for 850 in a month… thats 225that i get out of it but i gues i just know how to use the shirt…

plus the type of shirt you get depends on how you bench alot of people dont beliee that but its true wide grip go with rage, ragex, or fury…average middle grip phenom, or f6…
i am not sure about titans new katana but will be in a few weeks i have a few friends trying them out so i can get back to you about that soon

and what i have gotten and get out of my shirts was/is with a pause…[/quote]

You numbers are great. I am currently using an Inzer HPHD shirt and thinking about purchasing the Titan Fury. How did the Titan compare to your Inzer on learning how to use it? I am staying with the Inzer for my December meet but want to use the Titan Fury in my May meet.

[quote]gmangerm wrote:
the first shirt i ever used was a regular old inzer blast shirt, i got 80lbs. out of it.

the second shirt i used was a single ply titan fury that i got 100lbs out of.

my current shirt that i use use is my inzer RageX double ply…
i get 540 raw with the shirt right now i am hitting 765 about to go for 850 in a month… thats 225that i get out of it but i gues i just know how to use the shirt…

plus the type of shirt you get depends on how you bench alot of people dont beliee that but its true wide grip go with rage, ragex, or fury…average middle grip phenom, or f6…
i am not sure about titans new katana but will be in a few weeks i have a few friends trying them out so i can get back to you about that soon

and what i have gotten and get out of my shirts was/is with a pause…[/quote]

That’s awesome. I suppose it will take me some time to get used to a shirt but hopefully not too long. I’m not benching a hell of a lot or anything. I did a 1RM about a month ago and put up 250@185 pretty easy. I’m hopeing for atleast 30lbs the first time I use the shirt, being new to it.

I actually had a question about chalk too. I have seen a video where they put chalk from their waist to their neck. Is this something to consider doing?

2 cvb and naughtybox

the fury is what taught i learned my wide grip with and yes it was pretty easy to use, but if you have a closer grip go titan f6, or inzer phenom…

the amount that you get out of the shirt depends on how you take to the shirt, and the chalk on the back is good to use it is grip chalk that keeps you close on the bench…

[quote]gmangerm wrote:
the amount that you get out of the shirt depends on how you take to the shirt, and the chalk on the back is good to use it is grip chalk that keeps you close on the bench…[/quote]

I think you are talking about chalk between the shirt and the bench? I was actually talking about chalk on the skin THEN applying the shirt.

you can either use baby powder or slip chalk…

i only have 2 use it on my arms. we can get it over the rest of my body with no problem because i got a bigger back so my back can stretch when liftiing…

[quote]gmangerm wrote:
the first shirt i ever used was a regular old inzer blast shirt, i got 80lbs. out of it.

the second shirt i used was a single ply titan fury that i got 100lbs out of.

my current shirt that i use use is my inzer RageX double ply…
i get 540 raw with the shirt right now i am hitting 765 about to go for 850 in a month… thats 225that i get out of it but i gues i just know how to use the shirt…

plus the type of shirt you get depends on how you bench alot of people dont beliee that but its true wide grip go with rage, ragex, or fury…average middle grip phenom, or f6…
i am not sure about titans new katana but will be in a few weeks i have a few friends trying them out so i can get back to you about that soon

and what i have gotten and get out of my shirts was/is with a pause…[/quote]

You will love the Katana. I got mine from Ken Anderson and had a couple mods done. It was a bit loose in the chest, but I got 110 out of it after getting only 5 practice reps in. I am going to send it back to him to get tightened up.
I actually think it will give me more than my double RageX once I get the proper fit and some more practice.

[quote]naughtybox wrote:
gmangerm wrote:
the amount that you get out of the shirt depends on how you take to the shirt, and the chalk on the back is good to use it is grip chalk that keeps you close on the bench…

I think you are talking about chalk between the shirt and the bench? I was actually talking about chalk on the skin THEN applying the shirt.


Whatever you do, DO NOT use chalk between your shirt and body. The whole idea of chalk is that it reduces friction and would make it harder to even get the shirt on. Use baby powder.

Yea, it must have been baby powder, now that I recall.

Have you tried the Titan powerwash? It’s supposed to help keep the shirt new and reduce stretching and all that good stuff. I got a titan 1 ply and plan on using it but i’m afraid of it stretching out too quickly. So I’ll wait and see